Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology
Center for Plant Cell Biology
Institute for Integrative Genome Biology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
E-mail: hailingj@ucr.edu
Area of expertise: The role of small RNAs and epigenetics in plant immunity; molecular plant-microbial interaction
Selected Publications:
Wang, S., He, B., Wu, H., Cai, Q., Ramírez-Sánchez, O., Abreu-Goodger, C., Birch, P. R. J., and Jin, H. (2024). Plant mRNAs move into a fungal pathogen via extracellular vesicles to reduce infection. Cell Host Microbe. 32: 93–105.e6.
He, B., Wang, H., Liu, G., Chen, A., Calvo, A., Cai, Q., and Jin, H. (2023). Fungal small RNAs ride in extracellular vesicles to enter plant cells through clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Nat Commun. 14: 4383.
Qiao, L., Niño-Sánchez, J., Hamby, R., Capriotti, L., Chen, A., Mezzetti, B., and Jin, H. (2023). Artificial nanovesicles for dsRNA delivery in spray-induced gene silencing for crop protection. Plant Biotechnol. J. 21: 854–865.
Niño-Sánchez, J., Sambasivam, P. T., Sawyer, A., Hamby, R., Chen, A., Czislowski, E., Li, P., Manzie, N., Gardiner, D. M., Ford, R., Xu, Z. P., Mitter, N., and Jin, H. (2022). BioClay™ prolongs RNA interference-mediated crop protection against Botrytis cinerea. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 64: 2187–2198.
Huang, C.Y., Araujo, K., Sanchez, J.N., Kund, G., Trumble, J., Roper, C., Godfrey, K.E., and Jin, H.L. (2021). A stable antimicrobial peptide with dual functions of treating and preventing citrus Huanglongbing. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 118: e2019628118.
He, B.Y., Cai, Q., Qiao, L.L., Huang, C.Y., Wang, S.M., Miao, W.L., Ha, T., Wang, Y.S., and Jin, H.L. RNA-binding proteins contribute to small RNA loading in plant extracellular vesicles. Nat. Plants. 7: 342-352.
Huang, C.Y., Rangel, D.S., Qin, X.B., Bui, C., Li, R.D., Jia, Z.Y., Cui, X.P., and Jin, H.L. (2021). The chromatin-remodeling protein BAF60/SWP73A regulates the plant immune receptor NLRs. Cell Host Microbe 29: 425–434.
Qiao, L., Lan, C., Capriotti, L., Ah-Fong, A., Nino Sanchez, J., Hamby, R., Heller, J., Zhao, H., Glass, N. L., Judelson, H. S., Mezzetti, B., Niu, D., and Jin, H. (2021). Spray-induced gene silencing for disease control is dependent on the efficiency of pathogen RNA uptake. Plant Biotechnol. J. 19: 1756–1768.
Huang, Y., Wang, S., Cai, Q., and Jin, H. (2021). Effective methods for isolation and purification of extracellular vesicles from plants. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 63: 2020–2030.
Huang, C. Y., Niu, D., Kund, G., Jones, M., Albrecht, U., Nguyen, L., Bui, C., Ramadugu, C., Bowman, K. D., Trumble, J., and Jin, H. (2021). Identification of citrus immune regulators involved in defence against Huanglongbing using a new functional screening system. Plant Biotechnol. J. 19: 757–766.
Hu, P., Zhao, H., Zhu, P., Xiao, Y., Miao, W., Wang, Y., and Jin, H. (2019). Dual regulation of Arabidopsis AGO2 by arginine methylation. Nat. Commun. 10: 844.
Cai, Q., Qiao, L.L., Wang, M., He, B.Y., Lin, F.M., Palmquist, J., Huang, S.N.D., and Jin, H.L. (2018). Plants send small RNAs in extracellular vesicles to fungal pathogen to silence virulence genes. Science 360: 1126–1129.
Wang, H., Seo, J. K., Gao, S., Cui, X., and Jin, H. (2017). Silencing of AtRAP, a target gene of a bacteria-induced small RNA, triggers antibacterial defense responses through activation of LSU2 and down-regulation of GLK1. New Phytol. 215: 1144–1155.
Wang, M., Weiberg, A., Dellota, E., Jr, Yamane, D., and Jin, H. (2017). Botrytis small RNA Bc-siR37 suppresses plant defense genes by cross-kingdom RNAi. RNA Biol. 14: 421–428.
Wang, M., Weiberg, A., Lin, F. M., Thomma, B. P., Huang, H. D., and Jin, H. (2016). Bidirectional cross-kingdom RNAi and fungal uptake of external RNAs confer plant protection. Nat. Plants 2: 16151.
Niu, D.D., Lii, Y.E., Chellappan, P., Lei, L., Peralta, K., Jiang, C.H., Guo, J.H., Coaker, G., and Jin, H.L. (2016). miRNA863-3p sequentially targets negative immune regulator ARLPKs and positive regulator SERRATE upon bacterial infection. Nat. Commun. 7: 11324.
Zhang, X., Niu, D., Carbonell, A., Wang, A., Lee, A., Tun, V., Wang, Z., Carrington, J. C., Chang, C. E., and Jin, H. (2014). ARGONAUTE PIWI domain and microRNA duplex structure regulate small RNA sorting in Arabidopsis. Nat. Commun. 5: 5468.
Weiberg, A., Wang, M., Lin, F. M., Zhao, H., Zhang, Z., Kaloshian, I., Huang, H. D., and Jin, H. (2013). Fungal small RNAs suppress plant immunity by hijacking host RNA interference pathways. Science 342: 118–123.
Zhang, X., Lii, Y., Wu, Z., Polishko, A., Zhang, H., Chinnusamy, V., Lonardi, S., Zhu, J. K., Liu, R., and Jin, H. (2013). Mechanisms of small RNA generation from cis-NATs in response to environmental and developmental cues. Mol. Plant 6: 704–715.
Zhao, H., Sun, R., Albrecht, U., Padmanabhan, C., Wang, A., Coffey, M. D., Girke, T., Wang, Z., Close, T. J., Roose, M., Yokomi, R. K., Folimonova, S., Vidalakis, G., Rouse, R., Bowman, K. D., and Jin, H. (2013). Small RNA profiling reveals phosphorus deficiency as a contributing factor in symptom expression for citrus huanglongbing disease. Mol. Plant 6: 301–310.
Zhang, X., Xia, J., Lii, Y., Barrera-Figueroa, B., Zhou, X., Gao, S., Lu, L., Niu, D., Liang, W., Chen, Z., Leung, C., Wong, T., Zhang, H., Guo, J., Li, Y., Liu, R., Zhu, J.K., Zhang, W., and Jin, H. (2012). Genome-wide analysis of plant nat-siRNAs reveals insights into their distribution, biogenesis and function. Genome Biol. 13: R20.
Zhang, X., Zhao, H., Gao, S., Wang, W.C., Katiyar-Agarwal, S., Huang, H.D., Raikhel, N., and Jin, H. (2011). Arabidopsis Argonaute 2 regulates innate immunity via miRNA393*-mediated silencing of a Golgi-localized SNARE gene MEMB12. Mol. Cell 42: 356–366.
Zhang, W., Gao, S., Zhou, X., Xia, J., Chellappan, P., Zhou, X., Zhang, X., and Jin, H. (2010). Multiple distinct small RNAs originated from the same microRNA precursors. Genome Biol. 11: R81.
Chellappan, P., Xia, J., Zhou, X., Gao, S., Zhang, X., Coutino, G., Vazquez, F., Zhang, W., and Jin, H. (2010). siRNAs from miRNA sites mediate DNA methylation of target genes. Nucleic Acid. Res. 38: 6883–6894.
Katiyar-Agarwal, S., Gao, S., Vivian-Smith, A., and Jin, H. (2007). A novel class of bacteria-induced small RNAs in Arabidopsis. Genes Dev 21: 3123–3134.
Katiyar-Agarwal, S., Morgan, R., Dahlbeck, D., Borsani, O., Villegas, A. Jr., Zhu, J.K., Staskawicz, B., and Jin, H. (2006). A pathogen-inducible endogenous siRNA in plant immunity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 103: 18002–18007.
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