Shifting Nicotiana attenuata's diurnal rhythm does not alter its resistance to the specialist herbivore Manduca sexta
Jasmin Herden, Stefan Meldau, Sang-Gyu Kim, Grit Kunert, Youngsung Joo, Ian T. Baldwin, and Meredith C. Schuman
Shifting Nicotiana attenuata's diurnal rhythm does not alter its resistance to the specialist herbivore Manduca sexta
Jasmin Herden, Stefan Meldau, Sang-Gyu Kim, Grit Kunert, Youngsung Joo, Ian T. Baldwin, and Meredith C. Schuman
J Integr Plant Biol . 2016, (7): 656 -668 .  DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12458