J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1995, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (10): -.

• Research Articles •    

Floral Morphogenesis of Aquilegia L. (Ranunculaceae)

Feng Min, Fu De-zhi, Liang Han-xing and Lu An-min (Lu An-ming)   

Abstract: The androecial and gynoecial initiation in Aquilegia ecalcarata Maxim. and A. caerulea James. were observed under scanning electron microscope (SEM). Also the microspore developmental sequence of different whorls of stamens in the same androecium was examined under the light microscope (LM). It was shown that the androecial initiation was centripetal, whereas the microsporogenesis and anther maturation were centrifugal. Thus, the centrifugal development of androecium in this genus was a secondary phenomenon. The authors considered that as has been reported centrifugal development of androecium appeared in different groups could be parallel to centripetal development in the course of evolution, of which the phylogenetic significance merits further approach.

Key words: Aquilegia, Centrifugal androecium, Morphogenesis

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