J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1996, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): -.

• Research Articles •    

Studies on Dryophyllum Complex from China and Its Geological and Systematic Implications

Zhou Zhe-kun   

Abstract: Chinese specimens of Dryophyllurn which regarded as 9 species have been revised based on Jones's researches on Dryophyllum. Five of them have been moved to Berryophyllum (Dryophyllum dewalquei, D. parvurn, D. relongtanense, D. yunnanensis and D. sp. ); D. fushunense to Castaneophyllum fushunense; D. nervosaurn to Quercus nervosum, and some speciemen identified as D. relongtanense to Q. lantenoisii. Speciemen of Dryophyllum subfalcaturn from the Cretaceous of Northestern China does not belong to Dryophyllurn. Geological significance were discussed. Berryophyllum and CastaneophyUurn seem to be middle-groups between ancient Fagaceae and modern Fagaceae. It also indicates that the modern genera of Fagaceae did not occur until the Eocene.

Key words: DryophyUurn complex, Berryophyllum, Castaneophyllum

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