J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1981, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (6): -.

• Research Articles •    

Study on Induction of Rooting and survival of transplantation of Tectona grandis L. f. in Vitro

Cao Yue-hua and Wang Bao-sheng   

Abstract: This paper deals with the experimental results for raising induction of rooting and the survival rate of transplantation on tectona after the leafy shoots have been obtained under the culture of shoot-tips in vitro. These results show that the success of rooting is affected by several factors. The principal factors are auxin and its concentration. Three kinds of auxin (i.e. IAA, IBA and NAA) are used for induction of rooting, among them IBA is considered to be the best. The efficiency of rooting is apparently affected by the physical state of the medium. When the concentration of sucrose in MS medium is raised to 4%–6% the rooting rate can be increased and the root systems can grow rapid]y and profusely. However, when the temperature of culture is below 22 ℃, the rate of inducing roots is inhibited. Rootings of shoots are sensitve to temperature. The period from the first to the eighth days after the induction of rooting is considered as a sensitive period. After cutting off 5 mm portions below the nodes from the lowen part of stems, the base of these cuttings is soaked in 500 ppm IBA solution for 9 hrs., then place the cuttings into the filter paper bridges standing in a liquid MS medium free from plant growth regulators which containing 4% sucrose, and incubated at 24–28℃. After 2–3 weeks the root system is formed. The rooting rate obtained is 95%–100%. Before root induction, what is more important for raising the survival rate of transplantaticn for plantlets is to place rootless-plantlets under natural diffuse light (ca. 5000 Lux.) in vitro before root induction. After transplantation, if temperature is controlled below 27 ℃, and the relative humidity above 85%, 90%–95% of rooting can be obtained.

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Copyright © 2022 by the Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Online ISSN: 1744-7909 Print ISSN: 1672-9072 CN: 11-5067/Q