J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1977, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (1): -.

• Research Articles •    

Cytomorphological Observations on Ethrel Induced Male Sterility in Wheat

Faculty of Botany and Plant Physiology, Department of Agronomy, Shangtung College of Agriculture   

Abstract: Treated with Ethrel at the concentration of over 3000 ppm at four different stages of the pollen development in wheat, our experimental results showed that Ethrel was very effective in inducing male sterility for the three earlier stages in Pal-you-boa, whereas it was ineffective for Tai-shan No. 1. Four types of anther and pollen development were found ofter the treatment with Ethrel: anther without pollen, anther with abortive pollen, anther with mixed pollen and anther with 3-nucleate pollen. In former three cases, the degree of sterility was rather high while in the last the degree of sterility was low and it was useless in production. The last type of development appeared in Tai-shan No. 1 and Pal-you-boa treated with Ethrel at the stage of 2-nucleate pollen. No abnormality was observed in the development of the tapetum in anther without pollen and anther with mixed pollen. In anther without pollen the tapetum and pollen became abortive simultaneously. It seems that there is no causal relation between them.

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Online ISSN: 1744-7909 Print ISSN: 1672-9072 CN: 11-5067/Q