J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1973, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): -.

• Research Articles •    

A Study on the Pollen Morphology of Thalictrum L.

Shi Yi-chen   

Abstract: The pollen morphology of 45 species of Chinese Thalictrum has been studied. According to the data from literature and our own material, we may draw the following conclusion: the pollen grains of Thalictrum are quite homogeneous in morphological characters. The pollen grains are spharoidal, pantoporate, with the dia-meter from 13 to 28μ. The pores usually 6–18 in number, are more or less differentin size, number, and arrangement as well as the granular number on membrane. Exinein 1.7–3.1μ in thickness, 2-layered. The whole surface is covered with minute spines, loosely spaced and it is granulate in texture. The outline of the pollen grains isalmost circular in optical section. There is a close resemblance between the pollen grains of Thalictrum and thoseof Altingia, Liquidambar, and Chenopodiaceae. All of them are spharoidal and pantorate. But the pores of the pollen grains in Thalictrum L. are inconspicuous, definition usually indistinct, margin irregular, while the reverse is the case with pollengrains of Altingia and Liquidambar. The difference between the pollen grains of Thalictrum L. and those of Chenopodiaeeae is more marked. In the former the poresare greater in size and fewer in number, in the latter they are small and more nume-rous (30–90). The present study reveals the uniformity in the pollen type of Thalietrum. Thisgenus had been divided into several genera by some taxonomists but W. T. Wang and others reduced it into one genus Thalictrum. The palynological study supportsWang's conclusion. On the basis of the number and shape of chromosome, Thalictrumresembles Aquilegia and Isopyrum. In the external morphology of plants there isa close resemblance between Thalictrum and Enemion. While in the morphologicalcharacters of the pollen grains, Thalictrum is related to Asteropyrum.

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