J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 2003, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (6): 731-735.
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CHE Ke-Peng, XU Yong , LIANG Chun-Yang , GONG Guo-Yi , WENG Man-Li , ZHANG Hai-Ying, JIN De-Min , WANG Bin
The identification of germplasm is an important step for effective utilization of the available germplasm. In previous studies, isoenzyme, RAPD and SSR techniques had been used to conduct the genetic identification of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf.), but their effectiveness was limited due to the extremely narrow genetic background among watermelon genotypes. In this research, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), which was reported as a reliable technique with high efficiency in detecting polymorphism, was used to conduct genetic analysis and variety identification of thirty genotypes of watermelon core collection that represent a wide range of breeding and commercially available germplasm. As a result, a DNA fingerprint based on 15 bands amplified with four primer combinations was developed. In this fingerprint, each genotype has its unique fingerprint pattern and can be distinguished from each other. Furthermore, in order to facilitate the utilization of AFLP marker in practice, one specific AFLP band of genotype “PI296341" coming from fragment amplified by primer combination E-AT/M-CAT was successfully converted into a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker.
西瓜核心种质的AFLP指纹图谱和SCAR标记 车克鹏 许 勇 梁春阳 宫国义 翁曼丽 张海英 金德敏 王 斌 (1. 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,北京100101;2. 北京市农林科学院蔬菜研究中心,北京100089)
摘要: 西瓜 (Citrulluslanatus (Thunb .)Mansf.)种质资源的鉴定与评价是对其有效利用的基础。以往的研究表明 ,西瓜是一种遗传资源特别狭窄的作物 ,在用同工酶、RAPD及SSR技术对西瓜种质资源进行鉴定时 ,发现很难将品种完全区分开来。本研究利用高效可靠的AFLP技术 ,对 30个西瓜核心种质材料进行了遗传分析 ,最终建立了这30个材料的DNA指纹图谱。在该图谱中 ,每个材料均有其独特的“指纹” ,材料之间可以相互区分开来。为了进一步利用AFLP分子标记 ,将重要抗病种质材料“PI2 96 341”的AFLP特异带转化成了生产上可以直接利用的SCAR标记
关键词: AFLP;品种鉴定;指纹图谱;SCAR;西瓜
通讯作者。E-mail: bwang @ genetics.ac.cn。
CHE Ke-Peng, XU Yong , LIANG Chun-Yang , GONG Guo-Yi , WENG Man-Li , ZHANG Hai-Ying, JIN De-Min , WANG Bin. AFLP Fingerprint and SCAR Marker of Watermelon Core Collection[J]. J Integr Plant Biol., 2003, 45(6): 731-735.
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