J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1986, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): -.

• Research Articles •    

The Regulation and Distribution of LHC-I and LHCP2 between the Photosystem I and Photosystem II

Chu Zhong-xi and Mao Da-zhang   

Abstract: Evidences were provided in this paper that the relative distribution of chl-protein complexes of PSⅠ and PSⅡ could be regulated by Mg2+. addition of Mg2+ led to decrease in the amount of chl-protein complexes of PSⅠ and increase in the amount of chl-protein in complexes of PSⅡ. There was no effect of Mg2+ on the spectral property of LHCP1, but the addition of Mg2+ could change the spectral property of LHCP2 so that it became similar to that of the LHC-Ⅰ. CPIa2 was a complex of reaction centre of PSⅠ and LHC-I. LHC-I might be contacted specially with LHCP2 in chloroplast membranes. Addition of Mg2+ probably cansed the motion of LHC-I from PSⅠ to PSⅡ and became more closely connected with LHCP2. The relative amount of CPIa2, CPIa1, LHCP1 and LHCP2 in chloroplast membranes could be regulated by different light intensity. There were more CPIa2, LHCP1 and less LHCP2 in chloroplast membranes from the shade plant Malaxis monophyllos and sunflower grown under weak light, both of them lacked equally CPIa1. There were less CPIa2, LHCP1 and more LHCP2 in the sun plant spinach and sunflower grown under strong light, and they possessed equally CPIa1 chl-protein complexes. It is suggested that LHCP1 and LHCP2 are different light-harvesting Chl-protein complexes. The LHC-I and LHCP2 are mobile light-harvesting chl-protein complexes and shuttle back and forth between PSⅠ and PSⅡ They play an important role in the regulation and distribution of excitation energy between the two photosystems.

Key words: Light-harvesting chlorophyll protein complex, Photosystem Ⅰ, Photosystem Ⅱ, SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Absorption spectra, Fluoresence emission spectra, Fluoresence excitation spectra

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