J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1997, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (10): -.
• Research Articles •
Zhang Zhong-ming, Cui Ke-ming and Li Ju-huai
Abstract: The cambium of Pinus bungeana Zucc. resumed its activities in early April with cell proliferation and increase in immature xylem and phloem cells. Some mature xylem cells occurred dunng the last ten days of April. The xylem and phloem were rapidly formed after May. The late- wood was firstly formed in the beginning of June. It ceased to produce new xylem in early August, mid phloem cells in mid-September. The seasonal changes of polysaccharide grain content in the tissues of P. bungeana evidenced significant correlation with the annual cycle of cambial activity. Polysaccharide grains continued to increase before and after cambial reactivity and then decreased gradaally from June onwards after the late-wood had been firstly formed, until almost disappeared by next January, and again were gradually accumulated after March. Isoenzymic study revealed only one band of amylase after cambium reactivity, three peculiar bands after ceasing to produce xylem, and another two peculiar bands that occurred in early December. These 5 bands all disappeared after reactivity of cambium.
Key words: Pinus bungeana, Periodicity of cambial activity, Polysaccharide grains, Amylase Isozyme
Zhang Zhong-ming, Cui Ke-ming and Li Ju-huai. Changes of Polysaccharide Grain Content and Amylase Isozyme in Relation to Periodicity of Cambial Activity in Pinus bungeana Shoot[J]. J Integr Plant Biol., 1997, 39(10): -.
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