J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1994, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (Suppl.): -.

• Research Articles •    

Studies on the Vigor of Carrot Somatic Embryos Enhanced by Desiccation

Huang Shao-xing, Huang Mei-juan, Sodmergen and Zhu Cheng   

  • Published:1994-12-31

Abstract: Effects of desiccation and different storage period on the vigor of somatic embryos of carrot were studied. After quiescence carrot somatic embryos obtained by 5 % sucrose treatment were dried to 17 % moisture and stored for 4 months in the dry state at room temperature, approximately 67% of the dried embryos converted into plants, whereas the control embryos dehydrated naturally, which had not been stored did not survive. After quiescence embryos with various dry degree were stored at room temperature, viable tests showed that suitable dehydration influenced the vigor of somatic embryos and slow drying could improve adversity-resistance of somatic embryos much more than rapid drying did. The result of this study provided an exploratory pathway for solving problems with storage and transportation of artificial seeds.

Key words: Carrot, Somatic embryos, Artificial seeds

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