J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 2002, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (7): 864-871.
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
LIU Hong Yan*, CUI Hai Ting, TIAN Yu Hong, XU Li Hong
The woodland steppe ecotone in the southern Nei Mongol Plateau is located at the northern edge of the east Asian monsoon influences.A marked southeastern-northwestern (SE-NW) precipitation gradient exists in this region. Quantitative reconstruction of palaeo precipitation of this region is helpful to reveal the development of monsoon climate and to predict the future desertification. Based on modern vegetation and surface pollen studies, a pollen precipitation transfer function in the study region was established. Pollen data from three sediment sequences within the ecotone were used to reconstruct palaeo precipitation during the Holocene. The processes of precipitation changes in the three sequences were quite different. There was a tendency of precipitation declined from the onset of the Holocene to 1 100 a BP in Haoluku. But, in Liuzhouwan and Xiaoniuchang, both located south of Haoluku, the annual precipitation reached highest values during 7 800-6 200 aBP and 7 200-5 000 a BP, respectively. The influences of southwestern (SW) monsoon and the variances of topographical conditions have possibly caused these temporal spatial variances.
内蒙古东南部季风气候尾闾区全新世降水量时空差异性的孢粉学证据 刘鸿雁* 崔海亭 田育红 徐丽宏 (北京大学城市与环境学系,北京100871)
摘要: 内蒙古高原东南部森林草原过渡带位于中国东部季风气候尾闾区,是全球变化研究的关键区域.这一地区降水量存在着明显的东南至西北(SE-NW)梯度.在现代植被和表土花粉分析的基础上,建立了内蒙古高原东南缘森林草原过渡带孢粉-降水量转换函数.将研究区森林草原过渡带内3个湖泊沉积剖面的孢粉分析结果代入转换函数,定量恢复了这一地区全新世降水量的变化过程.结果表明:3个剖面全新世以来降水量变化的过程存在明显的差异,北部的好鲁库剖面在1 100 a BP以前一直呈减弱的趋势,而南部的碌轴湾剖面和小牛场剖面降水量在分别在7 800-6 200 a BP和7 200-5 000 a BP出现降水量的峰值,作者推断这种时空差异性与西南季风的影响、地形条件的差异有关.
关键词: 季风气候尾闾区;森林草原过渡带;内蒙古高原;孢粉-气候转换函数
通讯作者。Tel.and Fax: 86-10-627
Key words: marginal area of the monsoon climate, woodland steppe ecotone, Nei Mongol Plateau, pollen climate transfer function
LIU Hong Yan, CUI Hai Ting, TIAN Yu Hong, XU Li Hong. Temporal Spatial Variances of Holocene Precipitation at the Marginal Area of the East Asian Monsoon Influences from Pollen Evidence[J]. J Integr Plant Biol., 2002, 44(7): 864-871.
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