J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 2003, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 561-566.

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Gas Exchange, Xylem Ions and Abscisic Acid Response to Na+-Salts and Cl--Salts in Populus euphratica

CHEN Shao-Liang, LI Jin-Ke, WANG Tian-Hua, WANG Sha-Sheng, Andrea POLLE, Aloys HTTERMANN   

  • Published:2003-05-15


We investigated the osmotic stress and ion-specific effects on xylem abscisic acid (ABA), ion uptake and transport and gas exchange in one-year-old seedlings of Populus euphratica Oliv. Net photosynthetic rates (Pn) and unit transpiration rates (TRN) were both significantly decreased upon an osmotic shock caused by PEG 6000 solution (osmotic potential=-0.24 MPa) or a saline, which was applied by 50 mmol/L Na+-salts (NaNO3∶NaHCO3∶NaH2PO4=5∶4∶1, pH 6.8, osmotic potential=-0.24 MPa) or by 50 mmol/L Cl--salts (KCl∶NH4Cl=1∶1, osmotic potential=-0.24 MPa). However, salt-treated P. euphratica plants maintained typically higher TRN than those exposed to PEG. Xylem ABA concentrations increased rapidly following the PEG treatment, exhibiting peaking values at 1 h, then returning to pre-stress levels, followed by a gradual increase. Similarly, both Na+-treated and Cl--treated trees exhibited a rapid rise of ABA after salt stress was initiated. Notably, salt-treated plants maintained a relatively higher ABA than PEG-treated plants in a longer term. Collectively, results suggest that osmotic stress and ion-specific effects were both responsible for salt-induced ABA in P. euphratica: the initial rapid increase of xylem ABA appears to be a consequence of an osmotic shock, whereas specific salt effects seem to be responsible for ABA accumulation later on. Compared with Cl--treated trees, a higher inhibitory effect on gas exchange (Pn and TRN) was observed in Na+-salt plants, resulting from its long-sustained ABA and higher salt concentrations in the xylem. Displacement of membrane-associated Ca2+ by Na+ and the lesser capacity in Na+ compartmentation in root vacuoles likely contribute to the high influx of Na+ and Cl- in Na+-treated plants. Xylem K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations were elevated by external Na+-salts and Cl--salts, suggesting that P. euphratica maintained a higher capacity in nutrient uptake under saline conditions, which makes a contribution to its salinity tolerance.

陈少良  李金克  王天华  王沙生 Andrea POLLE  Aloys HUTTERMANN

(1. 北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院,北京100083;2. 哥廷根大学森林植物研究所,哥廷根37077,德国)

摘要:研究了渗透胁迫和盐胁迫下一年生胡杨(Populus euphratica Oliv.)幼苗的木质部汁液脱落酸(ABA)、离子浓度及叶片气体交换的变化。PEG 6000(溶液渗透势—0.24MPa)、50mmol/L含钠离子的盐溶液(NaNO3:NaHCO3:NaH2PO4=5:4:1,pH6.8,渗透势-0.24MPa)和50mmol/L含氯离子的盐溶液(KCl:NH4Cl=1:1,渗透势-0.24MPa)3种处理都显著降低了苗木的净光合速率(Pn)和蒸腾速率(TRN),但盐处理植株的TRN高于PEG处理的苗木。木质部汁液ABA的浓度在PEG处理后1h达到峰值,之后开始下降,降到对照水平后又逐渐回升。盐处理苗木的ABA也是在处理开始后就迅速升高,但之后ABA水平明显高于PEG处理的植株。结果显示,渗透胁迫和离子胁迫都能提高胡杨木质部汁液ABA的浓度:盐处理开始后ABA的迅速升高主要是渗透胁迫的作用,而此后离子胁迫(Na+和Cl-)对ABA水平的提高具有重要作用。钠盐处理对胡杨净光合速率和蒸腾速率的抑制作用高于氯盐处理,其木质部汁液中较高水平的ABA和盐离子(Na+和Cl-)是可能的原因。钠盐处理苗木的盐离子(Na+和Cl-)水平高于氯盐处理,主要是由以下两方面的原因所致:(1)细胞膜上的Ca2+被Na+所取代,增加了膜的透性;(2)胡杨根细胞液泡对Na+的区隔化能力较弱(与区隔Cl-相比)。另外,盐胁迫下胡杨能保持对营养元素K+、Ca2+和Mg2+的吸收,这也是其抗盐性强的重要原因。


通讯作者。E-mail: lschen @ bjfu. edu.cn。

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