J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1999, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (12): -.
• Research Articles •
ZHOU Yi-Hua, DANG Ben-Yuan, WANG Huai, HU Zan-Min, WANG Lan-Lan and CHEN Zheng-Hua
Abstract: Two and five 1R chromosomes were microdissected from the metaphase spreads of rye ( Secale cereale L. ) root-rip cells with the aids of glass needles. The dissected chromosomes were amplified in vitro by the Sau3A linker adaptor mediated PCR technique, by which 0.3 to 2.5 kb smear DNA fragments were obtained. After hybridized with DIG labeled probes, it was confirmed that the PCR products of the microdissected chromosomes were homologous with the rye genomic DNA, and derived from the 1R chromosome as well. Then, the second round PCR products from five chromosomes of 1R were microcloned to construct the plasmid library, including 220 000 clones. 172 randomly selected clones were evaluated ranged in size from 300 to 1 800 bp. Furthermore, the genomic dot hybridization results indicated that the library contained nearly 42% medium/high repetitive sequences and 58% low/single copy sequences, and its redundancy was very low. In this research, many aspects of the 1R chromosome microclone library exceeded or approached those of the previous reports in the literatures. Those are potential for construction of a high density genetic map of chromosome IR, from which some important genes can be tagged and isolated.
Key words: Secale cereale, Chromosomei R, Microclone library
ZHOU Yi-Hua, DANG Ben-Yuan, WANG Huai, HU Zan-Min, WANG Lan-Lan and CHEN Zheng-Hua. Construction and Characterization of the Microclone Library from Chromosome 1R in Rye[J]. J Integr Plant Biol., 1999, 41(12): -.
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