J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1982, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (6): -.

• Research Articles •    

The Anatomical Study of the Vegetative Organs of the Chinese Medicinal Herb SinopodophiUum emodi Wall

Li Guang-min   

Abstract: The paper Chiefly deals with the anatomy of the structure of the vegetative organs of Sinopodophillum emodi Wall. The structure of its root was analogous to that of the typical root of the dicotyledon, but it was very much interesting to find that the structure of its stem is something different from the character of dicotyledonous. The vascular bundles were arranged in two rows. There were 16–27 collateral bundles of various size around the cortex but there were 3–10 accessary bundles at the center of the pith. The phlcem was surrounded by the crescent shaped xylem. So, its, stem was generally similar to the structure of the atactostele of the moncotyledon. Besides that, there were obvious primary extraxylaxy fibers. Two types of the fibers could be recognized by their positions: the perivascular fibers and the primary phloem fibers. The structure of the leaf of SinopodophiUum was analogous generally to that of the dicotyledonous. There were 15–27 vascular bundles arranged in its petiole tissues and 3 aceessary bundles at its cent. er, one of which was amphivasal bundle, the rest two were the transitional forms from the collateral bundles to the amphivasal bundles.

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Online ISSN: 1744-7909 Print ISSN: 1672-9072 CN: 11-5067/Q