Author: Qin Yong-qi, Shi Jing-zhen, Zhnng Wen-ping and Zhang Guo-qing
J Integr Plant Biol 1982, 24 (6): -.
Wikstroemia chamaedaphne is a traditional chinese medicinal herb, its flavonoid compounds of leaf, which possess beneficial effect on the treatment of hepatitis; have been isolated. By means of mixed solvents and polyamide column chromatography, four crystallinic compounds were obtained, they were 5, 7-dihydroxy-3″-methoxy flavone-4-O-mono-D-glucoside; 5, 7, 4″-trihydroxy, flavone-3-O-β-mono-D-glucoside; 5, 7, 3′, 4′-tetrahydroxy flavone-3-O-β-mono-D-glucoside; 5, 7, 3″, 4′-tetrahydroxy flavone-8-C-β-mono-D-glucoside. From ether soluble fraetion, n-hentriacontane, triacontanol, octacosanol, and 29-hydroxy-ncnacosan-3-one were obtained. These constituents were identified by spectroscopic analysis (UV, IR, NMR, MS), preparation of derivatives, hydrolysis of acid and enzyme, and determination of physico-chemical constants, respectively.