J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1981, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): -.

• Research Articles •    

Observations on the Double Fertilization of Vicia faba

Wang Yao-zhi and Zhao Qun   

Abstract: Detailed observation on the process of double fertilization in vicia faba was made in the present work. The results are summarized as follows: 1. 20 hours after anthesis, the pollen tube has reached the micropyle of the ovule. 2. 24 hours after anthesis the two sperms entered into the egg nucleus and the polar nucleus respectively. As soon as the gradual despiralization of male spireme takes place, a male nucleolus arises from it, at first as a small drop, which gradually increases in size until the same as the female one, and then fuses with the female nucleolus. 3. About 30 hours after anthesis, the fusion of female and male nucleoli is completed, and then the formation of a larger nucleolus is appeared in the zygote. 4. The fusion of the second sperm with the polar nucleus takes place in very much the same way as syngamy. Triple fusion are frequently completed after mitosis. 5. The fertilization of vicia faba is of the premitotic type. 6. Before fertilization, small amount of granules gives a positive Feulgen reaction in the egg nuclei but less so in the polar nuclei.

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