J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1979, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): -.

• Research Articles •    

The Quantitative Analysis of Subtropic Forests in Hwang-shan

Zhou Ji-lun and Han Ye-liang   

Abstract: 1.The subtropic secondary forests of Mt. Hwangshan in the province Anhui, have been studied by both the "point-centred Quarter method" and a quantitative analysis which was based on the continuum concept of vegetation. 2. Each stand sampled was both by a 20 random points sampling and 16 m two ×l6 m quardrat sampling. It seemed that the random points sampling method gave a more realistic representation of the stands as judged by the floristic data and the relative abundence and relative dominance data (table 1 and 2). 3. The Jaceard's "Coefficient of community", Sorenson's "Quotient of similarity", Whittaker's "Percentage of similarity" "X2 and" test of fit of goodless of fit" of Greig-Smith were was to measure the community similarity (or homogenity) in the same stand. Our modified "Percentage of similarity" with weighing by relative abundance of all the tree species seems better when compared with the other criteria (table 3). 4. An index called "Importance value similarity" (denoted as c), modified from the "Coefficient of community" of Curtis, had been designed for ordinating the stands. The ordination of the 18 stands of the present study with this index was shown in table 4. Ordination by another method, called the "Paper strips method", was shown in table 5. The phenomenon of vegetation continua was clearly shown in both kinds of ordination.

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Online ISSN: 1744-7909 Print ISSN: 1672-9072 CN: 11-5067/Q