J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1997, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (11): -.

• Research Articles •    

Pollen Morphology of Calligonum in China and Its Stratigraphical Significance

Zhang Yu-long and Xi Yi-zhen   

Abstract: Pollen morphology of 11 species of Calligonum L. in China was examined under LM and SEM. Based on ornamentation observed under SEM,it might be divided into 4 types, viz. reticu-late-foveolate with circular or subcircular lumina, retieulate-foveolate with polygonal lumina, reticu-late-perforate and reticulate-perforate or reticulate-fossulate in the sequence of evolutionary trend. According to the shape of os, the pollen grains of Calligonum were different from those of the other genera of Polygonaceae.

Key words: Calligonum, Pollen morphology, Exine ornamentation, Identification of fossil pollen

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