MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory and Plant Biology Department
Michigan State University
Plant Biology Laboratories
612 Wilson Road, Rm 306
East Lansing, MI 48824-1312, USA
Tel: +1 517 432 4620
E-mail: huji@msu.edu
Area of expertise: Organelle biology; signal transduction; cell biology
Selected Publications:
Pan, R., Liu, J., Wang, S., and Hu, J. (2020). Peroxisomes: Versatile organelles with diverse roles in plants. New Phytol. 225: 1410-1427.
Pan, R., and Hu, J. (2018) The Arabidopsis E3 ubiquitin ligase SP1 targets to chloroplasts, peroxisomes, and mitochondria. Plant Physiol. 176: 480-482.
Pan, R., Satkovich, J., Cheng, Chen., and Hu, J. (2018). The E3 ubiquitin ligase SP1-Like 1 plays a positive role in peroxisome biogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 94: 836-846.
Li, J., Tietz, S., Cruz, J., Strand, D., Xu, Y., Chen, J., Kramer, D., and Hu, J. (2018). Photometric screens identified Arabidopsis peroxisome proteins that impact photosynthesis under dynamic light conditions. Plant J. 97: 460-474.
Pan, R., Satkovich, J., and Hu, J. (2016). E3 ubiquitin ligase SP1 regulates peroxisome biogenesis in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 113: E7307–E7316.
Li, J., and Hu, J. (2015). Using co-expression analysis and stress-based screens to uncover Arabidopsis peroxisomal proteins involved in drought response. PLOS ONE 10: e0137762.
Cai, Q., Yuan, Z., Chen, M., Yin, C., Luo, Z., Zhao, X., Liang, W., Hu, J., and Zhang, D. (2014). Jasmonic acid regulates spikelet development in rice. Nat. Commun. 19: 3476.
Pan, R., Kaur, N., and Hu, J. (2014). The Arabidopsis mitochondrial membrane-bound deubiquitinase UBP27 contributes to mitochondrial morphogenesis. Plant J. 78: 1047–1059.
Cassin-Ross, G., and Hu, J. (2014) Systematic phenotypic screen of Arabidopsis peroxisomal mutants identifies proteins involved in β-oxidation. Plant Physiol. 166: 1546–1559.
Pan, R., Jones, AG., and Hu, J. (2014). Cardiolipin-mediated mitochondrial dynamics and stress response in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26: 391–409.
Quan, S., Yang, P., Cassin-Ross, G., Kaur, N., Aung, K., Switzenberg, R., Li, J., and Hu, J. (2013). Proteome analysis identifies a peroxisomal protease involved in β-oxidation and development. Plant Physiol. 163: 1518–38.
Hu, J., Baker, A., Bartel, B., Linka, N., Mullen, R., Reumann, S., and Zolman, B. (2012). Plant peroxisomes: biogenesis and function. Plant Cell 24: 2279–2303.
Aung, K., and Hu, J. (2011). The Arabidopsis tail-anchored protein PEROXISOMAL AND MITOCHONDRIAL DIVISION FACTOR1 is involved in the morphogenesis and proliferation of peroxisomes and mitochondria. Plant Cell 23: 4446–4461.
Hu, J. (2011) Plant cell and signaling biology blooms in the Wuyi mountain. Mol. Plant 4: 557–561.
Zhang, X., and Hu, J. (2010). The Arabidopsis chloroplast division protein DYNAMIN-RELATED PROTEIN5B also mediates peroxisome division. Plant Cell 22: 431–442.
Hu. J., Aguirre, M., Peto, C., Alonso, J., Ecker, J., and Chory, J. (2002). A role for peroxisomes in photomorphogenesis and development of Arabidopsis. Science 297: 405–409.
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