Department of Plant Biology
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616 USA
Tel: +1-530-752-0673; Fax: +1-530-752-5410
E-mail: jjharada@ucdavis.edu
Area of expertise: Biochemistry; cell and developmental biology; genetics; molecular biology; plant biology
Selected Publications:
Jo, L., Pelletier, J.M., Hsu, S. W., Baden, R., Goldberg, R. B., and Harada, J.J. (2020). Combinatorial interactions of the LEC1 transcription factor specify diverse developmental programs during soybean seed development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 117: 1223–1232.
Jo, L., Pelletier, J., and Harada, J.J. (2019). Central role of the LEAFY COTYLEDON1 transcription factor in seed development. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 61: 564– 580.
Jo, L., Pelletier, J.M., Hsu, S.W., Baden, R., Goldberg, R.B., and Harada, J.J. (2019). Combinatorial interactions of the LEC1 transcription factor specify diverse developmental programs during soybean seed development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 117: 1223–1232.
Pelletier, J.M., Kwong, R.W., Park, S., Le, B.H., Baden, R., Cagliari, A., Hashimoto, M., Munoz, M.D., Fischer, R.L., Goldberg, R.B., and Harada, J.J. (2017). LEC1 sequentially regulates the transcription of genes involved in diverse developmental processes during seed development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 114: E6710–E6719.
Danzer, J., Mellott, E., Bui, A.Q., Le, B.H., Martin, P., Hashimoto, M., Perez-Lesher, J., Chen, M., Pelletier, J.M., Somers, D.A., Goldberg, R.B., and Harada J.J. (2015). Down-regulating the expression of 53 Soybean transcription factor genes uncovers a role for SPEECHLESS in initiating stomatal cell lineages during embryo development. Plant Physiol. 168:1025–35.
Kirkbride, R.C., Fischer, R.L., and Harada, J.J. (2013). LEAFY COTYLEDON1, a key regulator of seed development, is expressed in vegetative and sexual propagules of Selaginella moellendorffii. PLoS One 8: e67971.
Belmonte, M.F., Kirkbride, R.C., Stone, S.L., Pelletier, J.M., Bui, A.Q., Yeung, E.C., Hashimoto, M., Fei, J., Harada, C.M., Munoz, M.D., Le, B.H., Drews, G.N., Brady, S.M., Goldberg, R.B., and Harada, J.J. (2013). Comprehensive developmental profiles of gene activity in regions and subregions of the Arabidopsis seed. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110: E435–E444.
Bradford, K.J., and Harada, J.J. (2010). Introduction to translational seed biology: From model systems to crop improvement. Plant Sci. 179: 553–553.
Ohto, M.A., Floyd, S.K., Fischer, R.L., Goldberg, R.B. and Harada, J.J. (2009). Effects of APETALA2 on embryo, endosperm, and seed coat development determine seed size in Arabidopsis. Sex Plant Rep. 22: 277–289.
Stone, S.L., Braybrook, S.A., Paula, S.L., Kwong, L.W., Meuser, J., Pelletier, J., Hsieh, T.F., Fischer, R.L., Goldberg, R.B., and Harada, J.J. (2008). Arabidopsis LEAFY COTYLEDON2 induces maturation traits and auxin activity: Implications for somatic embryogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105: 3151–3156.
Stone, S.L., Braybrook, S.A., Paula, S.L., Kwong, L.W., Meuser, J., Pelletier, J., Hsieh, T.F., Fischer, R.L., Goldberg, R.B., and Harada, J.J. (2009). Effects of APETALA2 on embryo, endosperm, and seed coat development determine seed size in Arabidopsis. Sex Plant Rep. 22: 277–289.
Braybrook, S.A., and Harada, J.J. (2008). LECs go crazy in embryo development. Trends Plant Sci. 13: 624–630
Park, S., and Harada, J.J. (2008). Arabidopsis embryogenesis. Methods Mol. Biol. 427: 3–16.
Stone, S.L., Braybrook, S.A., Paula, S.L., Kwong, L.W., Meuser, J., Pelletier, J., Hsieh, T.F., Fischer, R.L., Goldberg, R.B., and Harada, J.J. (2008) Arabidopsis LEAFY COTYLEDON2 induces maturation traits and auxin activity: Implications for somatic embryogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105: 3151–3156.
Braybrook, S.A., Stone, S.L., Park, S., Bui, A.Q., Le, B.H., Fischer, R.L., Goldberg, R.B., and Harada, J.J. (2006). Genes directly regulated by LEAFY COTYLEDON2 provide insight into the control of embryo maturation and somatic embryogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103: 3468–3473
Yamagish,i K., Nagata, N., Yee, K.M., Braybrook, S.A., Pelletier, J., Fujioka, S., Yoshida, S., Fischer, R.L., Goldberg, R.B., and Harada, J.J. (2005). TANMEI/EMB2757 encodes a WD repeat protein required for embryo development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 139: 163–173.
Lee, H., Fischer, R.L., Goldberg, R.B., and Harada, J.J. (2003) Arabidopsis LEAFY COTYLEDON1 represents a functionally specialized subunit of the CCAAT binding transcription factor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100: 2152–2156.
Kwong, R.W., Bui, A.Q., Lee, H., Kwong, L.W., Fischer, R.L., Goldberg, R.B., and Harada, J.J. (2003) LEAFY COTYLEDON1-LIKE defines a class of regulators essential for embryo development. Plant Cell 15: 5–18.
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