Department of Plant Pathology
Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, 210095
E-mail: smdong@njau.edu.cn
Area of expertise: crop; disease; resistance; immunity; pathogen; oomycete; effector; disease management; biotic stress; co-evolution
Selected Publications:
Lozano-Durán R., and Dong, S. (2021). Plant biotic interactions: From fundamental research toward sustainable agriculture. J. Integr. Plant. Biol. 63: 275–276.
Wang, S., Xing, R., Wang, Y., Shu, H., Fu, S., Huang, J., Paulus, J.K., Schuster, M., Saunders, D.G.O., Win, J., Vleeshouwers, V., Wang, Y., Zheng, X., Van der Hoorn, R.A.L., and Dong. S. (2021). Cleavage of a pathogen apoplastic protein by plant subtilases activates host immunity.New Phytol. 229: 3424–3439.
Reddy, A.S.N., Huang, J., Syed, N.H., Ben-Hur, A., Dong, S., and Gu, L. (2020). Decoding co-/post-transcriptional complexities of plant transcriptomes and epitranscriptome using next-generation sequencing technologies. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 48: 2399–2414.
Xia, Y., Ma, Z., Qiu, M., Guo, B., Zhang, Q., Jiang, H., Zhang, B., Lin, Y., Xuan, M., Sun, L., Shu, H., Xiao, J., Ye, W., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Dong, S., Tyler BM., and Wang, Y. (2020). N-glycosylation shields Phytophthora sojae apoplastic effector PsXEG1 from a specific host aspartic protease. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 117: 27685–27693.
Huang, J., Lu, X., Wu, H., Xie, Y., Peng Q., Gu, L., Wu, J., Wang, Y., Reddy, A.S.N., and Dong, S. (2020). Phytophthora effectors modulate genome-wide alternative splicing of host mrnas to reprogram plant immunity. Mol. Plant 13: 1470–1484.
Paulus, J.K., Kourelis, J., Ramasubramanian, S., Homma, F., Godson, A., Hörger, A.C., Hong, T.N., Krahn, D., Ossorio Carballo, L., Wang, S., Win J., Smoker, M., Kamoun, S., Dong, S., and Van der Hoorn, R.A.L. (2020). Extracellular proteolytic cascade in tomato activates immune protease Rcr3.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 117: 17409–17417.
Gao, C., Xu, H., Huang, J., Sun, B., Zhang, F., Savage, Z., Duggan, C., Yan, T., Wu, C.H., Wang, Y., Vleeshouwers, V.G.A.A., Kamoun, S., Bozkurt, T.O., and Dong, S. (2020). Pathogen manipulation of chloroplast function triggers a light-dependent immune recognition. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 117: 9613–9620.
Wang, L., Chen, H., Li, J., Shu, H., Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Tyler, B.M., and Dong, S. (2020). Effector gene silencing mediated by histone methylation underpins host adaptation in an oomycete plant pathogen. Nucleic Acids Res. 48: 1790–1799.
Ochola, S., Huang, J., Ali, H., Shu, H., Shen, D., Qiu, M., Wang, L., Li, X., Chen, H., Kange, A., Qutob, D., and Dong, S. (2020). Editing of an effector gene promoter sequence impacts plant-Phytophthora interaction. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 62: 378–392.
Huang, J., Chen, L., Lu, X., Peng, Q., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Zhang, B., Yang, B., Yin, W., Zheng, X., Wang, Y., and Dong, S. (2019). Natural allelic variations provide insights into host adaptation of Phytophthora avirulence effector PsAvr3c. New Phytol. 221:1010–1022.
Chen, H., Shu, H., Wang, L., Zhang, F., Li, X., Ochola, S.O., Mao, F., Ma, H., Ye, W., Gu, T., Jiang, L., Wu, Y., Wang, Y., Kamoun, S., and Dong, S. (2018). Phytophthoramethylomes are modulated by 6mA methyltransferases and associated with adaptive genome regions. Genome Biol. 19: 181.
Huang, J., Gu, L., Zhang, Y., Yan, T., Kong, G., Kong, L., Guo, B., Qiu, M., Wang, Y., Jing, M., Xing, W., Ye, W., Wu, Z., Zhang, Z., Zheng, X., Gijzen, M., Wang, Y., and Dong, S. (2017). An oomycete plant pathogen reprograms host pre-mRNA splicing to subvert immunity. Nat. Commun. 8: 2051.
Kong, L., Qiu, X., Kang, J., Wang, Y., Chen, H., Huang, J., Qiu, M., Zhao, Y., Kong, G., Ma, Z., Wang, Y., Ye, W., Dong, S., Ma, W., and Wang, Y (2017). A phytophthora effector manipulates host histone acetylation and reprograms defense gene expression to promote infection. Curr. Biol. 27: 981–991
Dong, S., and Wang, Y. (2016). Nudix effectors: A common weapon in the arsenal of plant pathogens. PLoS Pathog. 12: e1005704.
Dong, S., Stam, R., Cano, L.M., Song, J., Sklenar, J., Yoshida, K., Bozkurt, T.O., Oliva, R., Liu, Z., Tian, M., Win, J., Banfield, M.J., Jones, A.M., Van der Hoorn, R.A., and Kamoun, S. (2014). Effector specialization in a lineage of the Irish potato famine pathogen. Science 343: 552–555.
Lozano-Durán R., and Dong, S. (2021). Plant biotic interactions: From fundamental research toward sustainable agriculture. J. Integr. Plant. Biol. 63: 275–276.
Wang, S., Xing, R., Wang, Y., Shu, H., Fu, S., Huang, J., Paulus, J.K., Schuster, M., Saunders, D.G.O., Win, J., Vleeshouwers, V., Wang, Y., Zheng, X., Van der Hoorn, R.A.L., and Dong. S. (2021). Cleavage of a pathogen apoplastic protein by plant subtilases activates host immunity.New Phytol. 229: 3424–3439.
Reddy, A.S.N., Huang, J., Syed, N.H., Ben-Hur, A., Dong, S., and Gu, L. (2020). Decoding co-/post-transcriptional complexities of plant transcriptomes and epitranscriptome using next-generation sequencing technologies. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 48: 2399–2414.
Xia, Y., Ma, Z., Qiu, M., Guo, B., Zhang, Q., Jiang, H., Zhang, B., Lin, Y., Xuan, M., Sun, L., Shu, H., Xiao, J., Ye, W., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Dong, S., Tyler BM., and Wang, Y. (2020). N-glycosylation shields Phytophthora sojae apoplastic effector PsXEG1 from a specific host aspartic protease. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 117: 27685–27693.
Huang, J., Lu, X., Wu, H., Xie, Y., Peng Q., Gu, L., Wu, J., Wang, Y., Reddy, A.S.N., and Dong, S. (2020). Phytophthora effectors modulate genome-wide alternative splicing of host mrnas to reprogram plant immunity. Mol. Plant 13: 1470–1484.
Paulus, J.K., Kourelis, J., Ramasubramanian, S., Homma, F., Godson, A., Hörger, A.C., Hong, T.N., Krahn, D., Ossorio Carballo, L., Wang, S., Win J., Smoker, M., Kamoun, S., Dong, S., and Van der Hoorn, R.A.L. (2020). Extracellular proteolytic cascade in tomato activates immune protease Rcr3.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 117: 17409–17417.
Gao, C., Xu, H., Huang, J., Sun, B., Zhang, F., Savage, Z., Duggan, C., Yan, T., Wu, C.H., Wang, Y., Vleeshouwers, V.G.A.A., Kamoun, S., Bozkurt, T.O., and Dong, S. (2020). Pathogen manipulation of chloroplast function triggers a light-dependent immune recognition. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 117: 9613–9620.
Wang, L., Chen, H., Li, J., Shu, H., Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Tyler, B.M., and Dong, S. (2020). Effector gene silencing mediated by histone methylation underpins host adaptation in an oomycete plant pathogen. Nucleic Acids Res. 48: 1790–1799.
Ochola, S., Huang, J., Ali, H., Shu, H., Shen, D., Qiu, M., Wang, L., Li, X., Chen, H., Kange, A., Qutob, D., and Dong, S. (2020). Editing of an effector gene promoter sequence impacts plant-Phytophthora interaction. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 62: 378–392.
Huang, J., Chen, L., Lu, X., Peng, Q., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Zhang, B., Yang, B., Yin, W., Zheng, X., Wang, Y., and Dong, S. (2019). Natural allelic variations provide insights into host adaptation of Phytophthora avirulence effector PsAvr3c. New Phytol. 221:1010–1022.
Chen, H., Shu, H., Wang, L., Zhang, F., Li, X., Ochola, S.O., Mao, F., Ma, H., Ye, W., Gu, T., Jiang, L., Wu, Y., Wang, Y., Kamoun, S., and Dong, S. (2018). Phytophthoramethylomes are modulated by 6mA methyltransferases and associated with adaptive genome regions. Genome Biol. 19: 181.
Huang, J., Gu, L., Zhang, Y., Yan, T., Kong, G., Kong, L., Guo, B., Qiu, M., Wang, Y., Jing, M., Xing, W., Ye, W., Wu, Z., Zhang, Z., Zheng, X., Gijzen, M., Wang, Y., and Dong, S. (2017). An oomycete plant pathogen reprograms host pre-mRNA splicing to subvert immunity. Nat. Commun. 8: 2051.
Kong, L., Qiu, X., Kang, J., Wang, Y., Chen, H., Huang, J., Qiu, M., Zhao, Y., Kong, G., Ma, Z., Wang, Y., Ye, W., Dong, S., Ma, W., and Wang, Y (2017). A phytophthora effector manipulates host histone acetylation and reprograms defense gene expression to promote infection. Curr. Biol. 27: 981–991
Dong, S., and Wang, Y. (2016). Nudix effectors: A common weapon in the arsenal of plant pathogens. PLoS Pathog. 12: e1005704.
Dong, S., Stam, R., Cano, L.M., Song, J., Sklenar, J., Yoshida, K., Bozkurt, T.O., Oliva, R., Liu, Z., Tian, M., Win, J., Banfield, M.J., Jones, A.M., Van der Hoorn, R.A., and Kamoun, S. (2014). Effector specialization in a lineage of the Irish potato famine pathogen. Science 343: 552–555.
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