Principle Investigator
Deputy Director
Center for Crop Genes and Molecular Design
Institute of Crop Science (ICS)
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China
Tel.: +86-10-82105861
Fax: +86-10-82105861
E-mail: maolong@caas.cn
Area of expertise: Wheat; polyploidization; domestication; crop; yield; functional genomics; transcriptomes
Selected Publications:
Geng, S., Kong, X., Song, G., Jia, M., Guan, J., Wang, F., Qin, Z., Wu, L., Lan, X., Li, A., and Mao, L. (2019). DNA methylation dynamics during the interactions of the wheat progenitor Aegilops tauschii and the obligate biotrophic fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici. New Phytol. 221: 1023–1035.
Zhao, J., Zhai, Z., Li, Y., Geng, S., Song, G, Guan, J., Jia, M., Wang, F., Sun, G., Feng, N., Kong, X., Chen, L., Mao, L., and Li, A. (2018). Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of the TCP family genes in spike and grain development of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Front. Plant Sci. 9: 1282.
Jia, M., Guan, J., Zhai, Z., Geng, S., Zhang, X., Mao, L., and Li, A. (2018). Wheat functional genomics in the era of next generation sequencing: An update. Crop J. 6:7-14.
Feng, N., Song, G., Guan, J., Chen, K., Jia, M., Huang, D., Wu, J., Zhang, L., Kong, X., Geng, S., Liu, J., Li, A., and Mao, L. (2017). Transcriptome profiling of wheat inflorescence development from spikelet initiation to floral patterning identified stage-specific regulatory genes. Plant Physiol. 174: 1779–1794.
Li, A., Geng, S., Zhang, L., Liu, D., and Mao, L. (2015). Making the bread: Insights from newly synthesized allohexaploid wheat. Mol. Plant. 8: 847–859.
Li, A., Liu, D., Wu, J. Zhao, X., Hao, M., Geng, S., Yan, J., Jiang, X., Zhang, L., Wu, J., Yin, L., Zhang, R., Wu, L., Zheng, Y., and Mao, L. (2014). mRNA and small RNA transcriptomes reveal insights into dynamic homoeolog regulation of allopolyploid heterosis in nascent hexaploid wheat. Plant Cell. 26: 1878–1900.
Wu, L., Liu, D., Wu, J., Zhang, R., Qin, Z., Liu, D., Li, A., Fu, D., Zhai, W., and Mao, L. (2013). Regulation of FLOWERING LOCUS T by a microRNA in Brachypodium distachyon. Plant Cell. 25: 4363–4377.
Jia, J., Zhao, S., Kong, X., Li, Y., Zhao, G., He, W., Appels, R., Pfeifer, M., Tao, Y., Zhang, X., Jing, R., Zhang, C., Ma, Y., Gao, L., Gao, C., Spannagl, M., Mayer, K.F.X., Li, D., Pan, S.K., Zheng, F., Hu, Q., Xia, X., Li, J., Liang, Q., Chen, J., Wicker, T., Gou, C., Kuang, H., He, G., Luo, Y., Keller, B., Xia, Q., Lu, P., Wang, J., Zou, H., Zhang, R., Xu, J., Gao, J., Middleton, C., Quan, Z., Liu, G., Wang, J., Yang, H., Liu, X., He, Z., Mao, L., and Wang, J. (2013). Aegilops tauschii draft genome sequence reveals a gene repertoire for wheat adaptation. Nature. 496: 91–95.
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