CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences / Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology.
Tel: 86-21-54924081;
Fax: 86-21-54924081;
E-mail: etwang@cemps.ac.cn
Website: http://english.sippe.cas.cn/Faculty/index_17549.html?json=http://www.cemps.cas.cn/sourcedb_sippe/yw_142056/pe/Outstandingyouth/202009/t20200902_5683640.json
Area of expertise: Legume-rhizobial symbiosis; Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis; Plant immunity in symbiosis.
Selected Publications:
Shi, J., Zhao, B., Zheng, S., Zhang, X., Wang, X., Dong, W., Xie, Q., Wang, G., Xiao, Y., Chen, F., Yu, N., and Wang, E. (2021). A phosphate starvation response-centered network regulates mycorrhizal symbiosis. Cell 184: 1-14.
Dong, W., Zhu, Y., Chang, H., Wang, C., Yang, J., Shi, J., Gao, J., Yang, W., Lan, L., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Dai, H., Miao, Y., Xu, L., He, Z., Song, C., Wu, S., Wang, D., Yu, N., and Wang, E. (2021). An SHR–SCR module specifies legume cortical cell fate to enable nodulation. Nature 589: 586–590.
Zhang, C., He, J., Dai, H., Wang, G., Zhang, X., Wang, C., Shi, J., Chen, X., Wang, D., and Wang, E. (2021). Discriminating symbiosis and immunity signals by receptor competition in rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118: e2023738118.
Gao, J.P., Xu, P., Wang, M., Zhang, X., Yang, J., Zhou, Y., Murray, J.D., Song, C.P., and Wang, E. (2021). Nod factor receptor complex phosphorylates GmGEF2 to stimulate ROP signalling during nodulation. Curr. Biol. 31: 3538–3550.
Wang, X., Feng, H., Wang, Y., Wang, M., Xie, X., Chang, H., Wang, L., Qu, J., Sun, K., He, W., Wang, C., Dai, C., Chu, Z., Tian, C., Yu, N., Zhang, X., Liu, H., and Wang, E. (2021). Mycorrhizal symbiosis modulates the rhizosphere microbiota to promote rhizobia-legume symbiosis. Mol. Plant 14: 503–516.
Wang, X., Wang, M., Xie, X., Guo, S., Zhou, Y., Zhang, X., Yu, N., and Wang, E. (2020). An amplification-selection model for quantified rhizosphere microbiota assembly. Sci. Bull. 65: 983-986.
He, J., Zhang, C., Dai, H., Liu, H., Zhang, X., Yang, J., Chen, X., Zhu, Y., Wang, D., Qi, X., Li, W., Wang, Z., An, G., Yu, N., He, Z., Wang, Y.F., Xiao, Y., Zhang, P., and Wang, E. (2019). A LysM receptor heteromer mediates perception of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiotic signal in rice. Mol. Plant 12: 1561–1576.
Jiang, Y., Xie, Q., Wang, W., Yang, J., Zhang, X., Yu, N., Zhou, Y., and Wang, E. (2018). Medicago AP2-domain transcription factor WRI5a is a master regulator of lipid biosynthesis and transfer mycorrhizal symbiosis. Mol. Plan 11: 1344-1359.
Jiang, Y., Wang, W., Xie, Q., Liu, N., Liu, L., Wang, D., Zhang, X., Yang, C., Chen, X., Tang, D., and Wang, E. (2017). Plants transfer lipids to sustain colonization by mutualistic mycorrhizal and parasitic fungi. Science 356: 1172-1175.
Jin, Y., Liu, H., Luo, D., Yu, N., Dong, W., Wang, C., Zhang, X., Dai, H., Yang, J., and Wang, E. (2016). DELLA proteins are common components of symbiotic rhizobial and mycorrhizal signaling pathways. Nat. Commun. 10: 1038.
For Upcoming Special lssue: