Dean of College of Plant Science and Technology
Huazhong Agriculture University in Wuhan
Tel.: 86-27-87280196; Fax: 86-27-87280196
E-mail: lfzhu@mail.hzau.edu.cn
Area of expertise: Crop; Verticillium wilt; root; cotton; immune system; Verticillium dahliae; R gene; disease resistance; effector
Selected Publications:
Xiao S., Hu Q., Zhang X., Si H., Liu S., Chen L., Chen K., Berne S., Yuan D., Lindsey K., Zhang X., and Zhu L. (2021). Orchestration of plant development and defense by indirect crosstalk of salicylic acid and brassinosteorid signaling via transcription factor GhTINY2. J. Exp. Bot. 72: 4721-4743.
Liu S., Zhang X., Xiao S., Ma J., Shi W., Qin T., Xi H., Nie X., You C., Xu Z., Wang T., Wang Y., Zhang Z., Li J., Kong J., Aierxi A., Yu Y., Lindsey K., Klosterman S. J., Zhang X., and Zhu L. (2021). A single-nucleotide mutation in a GLUTAMATE RECEPTOR-LIKE gene confers resistance to fusarium wilt in Gossypium hirsutum. Adv. Sci. (Weinh) 8: 2002723.
Xi H., Zhang X., Qu Z., Yang D., Alariqi M., Yang Z., Nie X., and Zhu L. (2021). Effects of cotton-maize rotation on soil microbiome structure. Mol. Plant Pathol 22: 673-682.
Zhou Y., Sun L., Wassan G. M., He X., Shaban M., Zhang L., Zhu L., and Zhang X. (2019). GbSOBIR1 confers Verticillium wilt resistance by phosphorylating the transcriptional factor GbbHLH171 in Gossypium barbadense. Plant Biotechnol. J. 17: 152-163.
Miao Y., Xu L., He X., Zhang L., Shaban M., Zhang X., and Zhu L. (2019). Suppression of tryptophan synthase activates cotton immunity by triggering cell death via promoting SA synthesis. Plant J. 98: 329-345.
Hu Q., Min L., Yang X., Jin S., Zhang L., Li Y., Ma Y., Qi X., Li D., Liu H., Lindsey K., Zhu L., Zhang X. (2018). Laccase GhLac1 modulates broad-spectrum biotic stress tolerance via manipulating phenylpropanoid pathway and jasmonic acid synthesis. Plant Physiol. 176: 1808-1823.
Hu Q., Zhu L., Zhang X., Guan Q., Xiao S., Min L., and Zhang X. (2018). GhCPK33 negatively regulates defense against verticillium dahliae by phosphorylating GhOPR3. Plant Physiol. 178: 876-889.
Zhang L., Wang M., Li N., Wang H., Qiu P., Pei L., Xu Z., Wang T., Gao E., Liu J., Liu S., Hu Q., Miao Y., Lindsey K., Tu L., Zhu L., and Zhang X. (2018). Long noncoding RNAs involve in resistance to Verticillium dahliae, a fungal disease in cotton. Plant Biotechnol. J. 16: 1172-1185.
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