College of Life Sciences
Nanjing Normal University
Tel.: 86-25-85891632
E-mail: bjzhong@gmail.com
Area of expertise: phylogenomics; adaptive evolution; phylogeny; divergence time; origin
Selected Publications:
Hou Z†, Ma X†, Shi X, Li X, Yang L, Xiao S, De Clerck O, Leliaert F, Zhong B* (2022). Phylotranscriptomic insights into a Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic origin and early radiation of green seaweeds (Ulvophyceae). Nat. Commun. 13: 1610.
Zhang Z, Ma X, Liu Y, Yang L, Shi X, Wang H, Diao R, Zhong B* (2022). Origin and evolution of green plants in the light of key evolutionary events. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 64: 516–535.
Zhang Z, Xu C, Zhang S, Shi C, Cheng H, Liu H, Zhong B* (2022). Origin and adaptive evolution of UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8-mediated signaling during plant terrestrialization. Plant Physiol. 188: 332–346.
Su D†, Yang L†, Shi X, Ma X, Zhou X, Hedges B, Zhong B* (2021). Large-scale phylogenomic analyses reveal the monophyly of bryophytes and Neoproterozoic origin of land plants. Mol. Biol. Evol. 38: 3332–3344.
Zhang Z†, Qu C†, Zhang K†, He Y†, Zhao X†, Yang L†, … , Leliaert F, Bhattacharya D, De Clerck O, Zhong B* (Lead Contact), Miao J* (2020). Adaptation to extreme Antarctic environments revealed by the genome of a sea ice green alga. Curr. Biol. 30: 3330-3341.
Nie Y, Foster C, Zhu T, Yao R, Duchêne D, Ho S, Zhong B* (2020). Accounting for uncertainty in the evolutionary timescale of green plants through clock-partitioning and fossil calibration strategies. Syst. Biol. 69: 1-16.
Han X, Chang X, Zhang Z, Chen H, He H*, Zhong B*, Deng X* (2019). Origin and evolution of core components responsible for monitoring light environment changes during plant terrestrialization. Mol. Plant 12: 847-862.
Zhang Z†, Qu C†, Yao R, Nie Y, Xu C, Miao J, Zhong B* (2019). The parallel molecular adaptations to the Antarctic cold environment in two psychrophilic green algae. Genome Biol. Evol. 11: 1897-1908.
Fang L, Leliaert F, Zhang Z, Penny D, Zhong B* (2017). Evolution of the Chlorophyta: Insights from chloroplast phylogenomic analyses. J. Syst. Evol. 55: 322-332.
Zhong B*, Xi Z, Goremykin V, Fong R, McLenachan T, Novis P, Davis C, Penny D (2014). Streptophyte algae and the origin of land plants revisited using heterogeneous models with three new algal chloroplast genomes. Mol. Biol. Evol. 31: 177-183.
Zhong B#*, Liu L#, Yan Z, Penny D (2013). Origin of land plants using the multispecies coalescent model. Trends Plant Sci. 18: 492-495.
Zhong B*, Yonezawa T, Zhong Y, Hasegawa M* (2010). The position of Gnetales among seed plants: Overcoming pitfalls of chloroplast phylogenomics. Mol. Biol. Evol. 27: 2855-2863.
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