South China Agricultural University in Guangzhou
Tel.: 86-20-38348652; Fax: 86-20-85280228;
E-mail: rxia@scau.edu.cn
Area of expertise: Plant small RNAs, flower sex determination, plant reproduction, plant genomics, bioinformatics, horticultural crops.
Selected Publications:
Hu G#, Feng J#, Xiang X#, Wang J#, Salojärvi J#, Liu C#, Wu Z#, Zhang J, Liang X, Jiang Z, Liu W, Ou L, Li J, Fan G, Mai Y, Chen C, Zhang X, Zheng J, Zhang Y, Peng H, Yao L, Wai CM, Luo X, Fu J, Tang H, Lan T, Lai B, Sun J, Wei Y, Li H, Chen J, Huang X, Yan Q, Liu X, McHale LK, Rolling W, Guyot R, Sankoff D, Zheng C, Albert VA*, Ming R*, Chen H*, Xia R*, Li J*. (2022). Two divergent haplotypes from a highly heterozygous lychee genome suggest independent domestication events for early and late-maturing cultivars. Nat. Genetics 54: 73–83.
Zheng J, Chen C, Li G, Chen P, Liu Y, Xia R*. (2022). Biogenesis of reproductive PhasiRNAs: Exceptions to the rules. Plant Biotechnol. J. 21: 241-243.
Chen C, Chen H, Zhang Y, Thomas HR, Frank MH, He Y, Xia R*. (2020). TBtools: An integrative toolkit developed for interactive analyses of big biological data. Mol. Plant 13: 1194–1202.
Liu Y, Teng C, Xia R*, Meyers BC*. (2020).PhasiRNAs in plants: their biogenesis, genic sources, and roles in stress responses, development, and reproduction. Plant Cell 32: 3059–3080.
Zhu H#, Chen C#, Zeng J, Yun Z, Liu Y, Qu H, Jiang Y*, Duan X*, Xia R*. (2020). MicroRNA528, a hub regulator modulating ROS homeostasis via targeting of a diverse set of genes encoding copper-containing proteins in monocots. New Phytol. 225: 385–399.
Xia R*, Chen C, Pokhrel S, Ma W, Huang K, Patel P, Wang F, Xu J, Liu Z, Li J, Meyers BC*. (2019). 24-nt reproductive phasiRNAs are broadly present in angiosperms. Nat. Commun. 10: 627.
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