The research article entitled “Self-processing of ribozyme-flanked RNAs into guide RNAs in vitro and in vivo for CRISPR-mediated genome editing”, published in JIPB, 2014, won the “Excellent Research Article Award”, from China Association for Science and Technology (CAST). The article (Yangbin Gao and Yunde Zhao, 2014, JIPB 56: 343–349, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jipb.12152/pdf), from Prof. Yunde Zhao’s lab at University of California, San Diego, USA, reported a novel way to edit multiple genes using a ribozyme-flanked guide RNA. This award is dedicated to articles published in all China-based academic journals, aiming to encourage the best original articles to be published in China-based scientific journals. CAST launched this national prize in 2016.
In this year, in total 99 articles, covering all disciplines in science and technology, have been awarded with this prestigious prize. Congratulations to Prof. Yunde Zhao and his team members!
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