Author: Ana Marcia Escocard de Azevedo Manhães, Fausto Andres Ortiz‐Morea, Ping He and Libo Shan
The authors would like to draw the reader's attention for updates and changes in the following Review:
Escocard de Azevedo Manhães, A.M., Ortiz-Morea, F.A., He, P., and Shan, L. (2021). Plant plasma membrane-resident receptors: Surveillance for infections and coordination for growth and development. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 63(1): 79–101.
On page 84 in the right-hand column, line 45, the sentence reads: “Additionally, a lectin S-domain RLK LIPOOLIGOSACCHARIDE-SPECIFIC REDUCED ELICITA TION (LORE) was reported to recognize medium-chain 3-hydroxy fatty acids (mc-3-OH-FAs) from bacterial LPS (Kutschera et al., 2019).” It should read: “Additionally, a lectin S-domain RLK LIPOOLIGOSACCHARIDE-SPECIFIC REDUCED ELICITATION (LORE) was reported to recognize free medium-chain 3-hydroxy fatty acids (mc-3-OH-FAs), which are low complex metabolites found in various sources such as bacteria, damaged plant tissue, and others (Kutschera et al., 2019).”
In Table 1, Column 4, line 14, “LPS” should be changed to “mc-3-OH-Fas,” and Column 5, line 14, “bacteria” should be changed to “multiple metabolic sources.”
On Figure 2 legend, page 83, line 9, the sentence reads: “Plant Lec-RLK LORE perceives bacterial LPS.”. It should read: “Plant Lec-RLK LORE perceives mc-3-OH-FAs.”
In Figure 2B, the ligand of the LORE receptor should be changed from “LPS” to “mc-3-OH-FAs”. In addition, in figure 2B, the ligand of the LYM1/3 receptor should be changed from “mc-3-OH-FAs” to “PGN”. See below:
The authors apologize for any confusion it may have caused.