Author: Lei Zuo-qi
J Integr Plant Biol 1989, 31 (2): -.
The Paleogene deposits in the East China Sea Basin may be divided into the Yangzijiang and Lower subformation of the Qiangtajiang Formation in ascending order. The mudstone and shale are rich in sporopollen fossils. They may be divided into two palynological assemblages as follows: 1. Ulmipollenites minor-Ulmoideipites krempii assemblage (In the Yangzijiang Formation). The Sporepollen assemblage is characterized by the absolute predominance of Angiospermous pollen, while Gymnospermous and Pteridophytous are second. The pollen of Angiosperae is dominated by Quercoidites (Q. asper, Q. henrici, Q. microhenrici, Q. minor), Ulmaceae (Ulmipollenites undulosus, U. minor, U. granulatus, Ulmoideipites krempii, U. tricostatus), Rutaceae (Ru- taceoipollis ovatus, R. rotundatus, R. oblongatus), Meliaceae ( Meliaceoidites minor, M. rhomboi- porus and M. rotundiporus) and Hydrocaryaceae (Sporotrapoidites minor and S. medius), with also some Caryapollenites, Juglanspollenites, Plicapollis, Tiliaepollenites, Krutzipites and Trilobapollis. The pollen of Gymnospermae are more aboundant in Pinuspollenites. As to Pterido phyta, the Spores Polypodiaceae, Magnastriatites howardi and Pterisisporites are relatively common. 2. Pinuspotlenites-Trilobapollis assemblage (In the Lower subformation of Qiangtangjiang Formation). The Sporepollen assemblage is also characterized by the absolute predominance of Angiospermous pollen Quercoidites, Ulmaceae, Rutaceae and Hydrocaryaceae, and less in pollen of Gymnospermae and Spores of Pteridophyta, but it is different from that of the Yangzijiang Formation, the major difference lie in acute attenuation of Podocarpidites, Quercoiditcs minor, Rutaceoipolhs ovatus, Ulmipollenites minor and Ulmoideipites krempii, and well development of Pinuspollenites, Ulmipollenites undulosus and Trilobapollis. Based on the fact that spore pollen assemblage of the Eocene-Oligocene in the coastal region of the Bohai Sea, and the provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei and Guangdong, the South Yellow Sea and northern shelf of the South China Sea are characterized by the great abundance of Ulmaceae, Rutaceae, Meliaceae and Quercoidites. The Yangzijiang Formation can probably be defined as Eocene, the climate was marine, central-south subtropical type. The lower subformation of the Qiangtangjiang formation is identified as Oligocene, dry and cool, central subtropical climate.