Author: Hu Shih-yi, Wang Mushan and Hsu Li-yun
J Integr Plant Biol 1977, 19 (3): -.
1. The process of microsporogenesis could be divided into three:successive stages: the "shrinking" stage, the "small vacuole" stage and the "large vacuole" stage. 2,. The abort iveness of the microspores of the male sterile line occurred mainly in the "large vacuole" stage, when all Kinds of the cell-organelles became degenerated and disorganized. Some of the microspores, however, aborted earlier, i.e. in the "small vacuole" stage.
3. In the "Small vacuole" stage, while the cell-organelles (mitochondria, plas- rids, etc.) of both the male sterile and its maintainer lines appeared essentially alike, the vacuolar system differed quite sigiffificantly. In the male sterile line, the micros- pore had fewer vacuoles as compared with those in the maintainer line, and the limiting membrane of some of the vacuoles was not sharply defined and seemed to be on the way of dissolution. The concentric membranous bodies formed by fragments of the endoplasmic reticulum, which were considered homologous to the lysosomes, were usually not sharply demarcated from the ground cytoplasm.: It seemed that the lysing process caused by these membranous bodies played a role in the abortion of the microspores. 4. It is suggested that the changes of the vacuome in the "small vacuole" stage may possibly be the earliest sign of microspore abortion.
5. Before the abortion, the tapetal cells of the two lines did not show any notable differences. However, in the later stage, vacuoles containing concentric membranous bodies were seen only in the tapetal cells of the maintainer line.