J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 2024, Vol. 66 ›› Issue (9): 1983-1999.DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13735

• Molecular Physiology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Mechanisms of vacuolar phosphate efflux supporting soybean root hair growth in response to phosphate deficiency

Zhong Shan1, Yanli Chu1, Guangfang Sun2, Rui Chen1, Jun Yan2, Qiwei He1, Yingna Liu2, Bin Wang1, Mingda Luan2* and Wenzhi Lan2*   

  1. 1. School of Life Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
    2. Institute of Future Agriculture, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
    *Correspondences: Mingda Luan (mdluan@nwafu.edu.cn); Wenzhi Lan (lanw@nwafu.edu.cn; Dr. Lan is fully responsible for the distributions of all materials associated with this article)
  • Received:2024-05-08 Accepted:2024-06-18 Online:2024-07-09 Published:2024-09-01
  • Supported by:
    Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China 32200216 (to M.L.), National Natural Science Foundation of China 32370279 (to M.L.), and Northwest A&F University Start‐up Funding (to M.L. and W. L.).

Abstract: Phosphorus is an essential macronutrient for plant growth and development. In response to phosphate (Pi) deficiency, plants rapidly produce a substitutive amount of root hairs; however, the mechanisms underlying Pi supply for root hair growth remain unclear. Here, we observed that soybean (Glycine max) plants maintain a consistent level of Pi within root hairs even under external Pi deficiency. We therefore investigated the role of vacuole-stored Pi, a major Pi reservoir in plant cells, in supporting root hair growth under Pi-deficient conditions. Our findings indicated that two vacuolar Pi efflux (VPE) transporters, GmVPE1 and GmVPE2, remobilize vacuolar stored Pi to sustain cytosolic Pi content in root hair cells. Genetic analysis showed that double mutants of GmVPE1 and GmVPE2 exhibited reduced root hair growth under low Pi conditions. Moreover, GmVPE1 and GmVPE2 were highly expressed in root hairs, with their expression levels significantly upregulated by low Pi treatment. Further analysis revealed that GmRSL2 (ROOT HAIR DEFECTIVE 6-like 2), a transcription factor involved in root hair morphogenesis, directly binds to the promoter regions of GmVPE1 and GmVPE2, and promotes their expressions under low Pi conditions. Additionally, mutants lacking both GmRSL2 and its homolog GmRSL3 exhibited impaired root hair growth under low Pi stress, which was rescued by overexpressing either GmVPE1 or GmVPE2. Taken together, our study has identified a module comprising vacuolar Pi exporters and transcription factors responsible for remobilizing vacuolar Pi to support root hair growth in response to Pi deficiency in soybean.

Key words: mineral deficiency, remobilization, root remodeling, transcriptional regulation

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