J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 2002, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 468-473.
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YU Fei Hai, DONG Ming*, ZHANG Cheng Yi
Environments with reciprocal patchiness of resources, in which the availability of two resources such as light and soil nutrients are patchily distributed in horizontal space and negatively correlated in each patch, are common in many ecosystems. The strategies by which clonal plants adapt to this type of heterogeneous environment were examined in three stoloniferous herbs,Potentilla reptans L. var.sericophylla Franch., P. anserina L. and Halerpestes ruthenica (Jacq.) Qvcz., commonly inhabiting forest understories, grasslands and low saline meadows, respectively. As pairs of connected ramets were subjected to reciprocal patchiness of light and nutrients, stolon connection between the two ramets significantly enhanced biomass of both ramet growing in low light intensity but high soil nutrient condition (LH ramet) and ramet growing in high light intensity but low soil nutrient condition (HL ramet) as well as whole ramet pairs (consisting of LH ramets and HL ramets). Additionally, stolon connection greatly increased root/shoot ratio of LH ramet while significantly decreased that of HL ramet. The results indicate that areciprocal transportation of resources between interconnected ramets and a functional specialization of ramets in uptake of abundant resources occurred. By resource sharing and functional specialization, clonal plants can efficiently acquire locally abundant resources and buffer the stress caused by reciprocal patchiness of resources.
于飞海 董鸣* 张称意
研究了3种来自中国北方林下、草地和碱化草甸匍匐茎型克隆草本植物绢毛匍匐委陵菜 (Potentilla reptans L. var. sericophylla Franch.)、鹅绒委陵菜 (P. anserina L.) 和金戴戴 (Halerpestes ruthenica (Jacq.) Qvcz.) 对由高光照低养分斑块和低光照高养分斑块组成的资源交互斑块性生境的适应性对策.当生长于高光照低养分条件下分株 (HL分株) 与生长于低光照高养分条件下分株 (LH分株) 之间的匍匐茎连接时, 3种克隆植物HL分株、LH分株以及整个分株对系统 (HL分株 + LH分株) 的生物量均得到显著提高.同时, LH分株根冠比显著增加, 而HL分株根冠比显著下降.这表明, 当互连分株置于由低光照高养分斑块和高光照低养分斑块组成的异质性环境中时, 3种植物克隆分株均发生了环境诱导的功能特化.克隆内资源共享以及克隆内不同分株的功能特化有利于整个分株系统对局部丰富资源的获取, 从而能够缓解资源交互斑块性生境对克隆植物的不利影响.
关键词 金戴戴 鹅绒委陵菜 绢毛匍匐委陵菜 功能特化 光照强度 养分 资源交互斑块性 资源共享
*通讯作者 Email: dongming@95777.com
Key words: Halerpestes ruthenica, Potentilla anserina, P. reptans var. sericophylla, functional specialization, light intensity, nutrient content, reciprocal patchiness of resources, resource sharing
YU Fei Hai, DONG Ming, ZHANG Cheng Yi. Intraclonal Resource Sharing and Functional Specialization of Ramets in Response to Resource Heterogeneity in Three Stoloniferous Herbs[J]. J Integr Plant Biol., 2002, 44(4): 468-473.
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