J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 2024, Vol. 66 ›› Issue (9): 1886-1897.DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13736

• Cell and Developmental Biology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Light-stabilized GIL1 suppresses PIN3 activity to inhibit hypocotyl gravitropism

Xiaolian Wang1,2†, Yanfang Yuan3†, Laurence Charrier4, Zhaoguo Deng1,2, Markus Geisler4*, Xing Wang Deng3* and Haodong Chen1,2,3*   

  1. 1. Center for Plant Biology, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
    2. Tsinghua‐Peking Center for Life Sciences, Beijing 100084, China
    3. School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences and School of Life Sciences, Peking‐Tsinghua Center for Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
    4. Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, Fribourg 1700, Switzerland
    These authors contributed equally to this work.
    *Correspondences: Haodong Chen (chenhaodong@tsinghua.edu.cn; Dr. Chen is responsible for the distribution of the materials associated with this article); Xing Wang Deng (deng@pku.edu.cn); Markus Geisler (markus.geisler@unifr.ch).
  • Received:2024-02-13 Accepted:2024-06-23 Online:2024-07-11 Published:2024-09-01
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32350001, 32370306, 32022005), Tsinghua University Dushi Program, and the Tsinghua‐Peking Center for Life Sciences. M. G. was funded by grants from the Swiss National Funds (project 31003A_165877 and 310030_197563).

Abstract: Light and gravity coordinately regulate the directional growth of plants. Arabidopsis Gravitropic in the Light 1 (GIL1) inhibits the negative gravitropism of hypocotyls in red and far-red light, but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Our study found that GIL1 is a plasma membrane-localized protein. In endodermal cells of the upper part of hypocotyls, GIL1 controls the negative gravitropism of hypocotyls. GIL1 directly interacts with PIN3 and inhibits the auxin transport activity of PIN3. Mutation of PIN3 suppresses the abnormal gravitropic response of gil1 mutant. The GIL1 protein is unstable in darkness but it is stabilized by red and far-red light. Together, our data suggest that light-stabilized GIL1 inhibits the negative gravitropism of hypocotyls by suppressing the activity of the auxin transporter PIN3, thereby enhancing the emergence of young seedlings from the soil.

Key words: GIL1, gravitropism, hypocotyls, light, PIN3

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