Author: Jiang Gao-ming,P. D. Putwain and A. D. Bradshaw
J Integr Plant Biol 1993, 35 (12): -.
Three spoils from Bold Moss Tip, St. Helens, and one from Neston, England were collected for experiment to find the problems and solutions to reclaim the coal-mine lands of Bold Moss Tip, from seeds and tillers of Agrostis stolonifera, A. capillaris and Hocus lanatus. Low pH (3.0 to 6.8), deficient in nutrient, especially N (0. 24 to 0. 28 ppm), P(0. 016 to 6.1 ppm). and excess of Mg(>1000ppm), Na(84 to 325ppm), and Fe (>20 000ppm)were found in the spoils of Bold Moss Tip, which was supposed to be the most difficult problems of restoration. Tillers of A. stolonifera and A. capillaris could not be planted directly to the bare spoils of Bold Moss Tip, but those of vegetated spoils (Site 2 and Site 3) could support the growth of tillers. The pH value was found to be the key factor to control seed germinations of the three species, below pH 3, there were no germination. A. stolonifera and A. capillaris germinated with the highest rates (97% and 96%) at pH 5 and pH7(p<0. 01)respectively. The application of lime stone could increase spoil pH significantly (p<0. 001), from 2.2 to 7. 3, when 40 t·ha-1 lime stone was added. Lime stone had the best effect to the four spoils. Lime stone +NP significantly increased the yield of dry matters of Site 2 (p<0. 001); The highest yield, 735.6 g · m-1, was gained from the treatment of spoils of Neston with lime stone + N; Lime could also increase the yield of Site 1 from 0 to 125. l g·m-1(p<0. 05). Gypsum had some effect to spoils of Site 2 and Neston, compared with the bland treatment, but did no influence to the spoils of Site 1. Washing had minimum effect toward the spoils of Site 2, and showed no effect to Site 1 and Neston; Throughout the 8-weed% experiment there was little change in the pH of Site 1, even though the spoils were washed everyday. Fertilisers alone had no effect to the bare spoils of Bold Moss Tip, and Neston, but they could enhance the growth of seedling of Site 2, however together with lime stone, the role of fertilisers were significant (p<0. 001). Both nitrogen and phosphorus were essential to the spoils of Bold Moss Tip . Without top-soils, the bare of Bold Moss Tip can be revegetated only by application of lime stone, but better effect coult be obtained by addition of nitrogen and phosphorus. The rates of 20 to 60 t·ha-1, 75 kg N ha-1 and 50 kg P ha-1 of lime stone, nitrogen, phosphorus respectively, are suggested for application.