Author: Mao Long, Zhou Qing, Wang Xian-ping, Hu Han and Zhu Li-huang
J Integr Plant Biol 1994, 36 (1): -.
Oryza alta Swallen is a species of allotetraploid wild rice (CCDD, 2n = 48) with high biomass production and resistant to several insects and diseases. The high polymorphism (RFLP) between O. alta and O. sativa L. (average 90%) reveals the long phylogenical distance between these two species which may impede the crossing. The chromosome constitutions of several progeny from O. alta × O. sativa were analyzed with 22 mapped rice RFLP markers. The results showed that almost all triploid sterile plants which had 36 chromosomes were, as expected, composed of the chromosomes from two parents. But the two partial fertile regenerated plants from 02428 (O. sativa) × WHS601-2 (O. alta) which had only 24 and 25 chromosomes respectively, in most cases, had RFLP patterns similiar to their O. sativa parent. Therefore the chromosomes constituted their genomes were mainly from O. sativa or have high homology with the chromosomes of O. sativa. It seems evident that chromosome elimination had occurred during the wide hybridization as O. alta RFLP patterns could be found in them. Furthermore, that the introgression of O. alta chromosome fragment into that of O. sativa in an F2 plant was indicative that some kind of recombination also occurred. Regarding the rare chromosome pairing in PMCs, the probability of the existence of a nonconventional mechanism for the wild rice chromosomes (chromosome fragments ) to introgressing into cultivated rice genomes in a relatively short time was discussed.