Author: Song Chang-qing and Sun Xiang-jun
J Integr Plant Biol 1997, 39 (6): -.
The 2.4 meter-long core was extracted from the Diaojiao lake (41º18′N, 112º21′E) at the foot of the northern part of Daqingshan Mts. Pollen analysis from collections subsampled in the laboratory at 2 cm intervals, revealed plentiful pollen and spores from over 10 arboreal genera, including Pinus, Betula, Picea, Abies, Carpinus, Quercus, Ulmus and more than 20 non-arboreal genera, mainly of Artemisia, Labiatae, Nitraria, Polygonaceae, Ranunculus, Thalictrum, Umbel- liferae, Caryophyllaceae and Cyperaceae. Fern spores, aquatic pollen and algae were also observed in some parts of the core. The transfer functions were established by the stepwise regression analysis using the climatic factors and 13 pollen taxa. The different Fl and F2 value were used as the thresh- old value of F test (i. e. used for selecting and deleting factors). Each regressed equation was obtained from 70 times of calculations with a step-wise increase of 0.1 for Fl and F2 and those having the smallest regression deviation and the largest multiple correlation coefficient were the final four transfer functions. Substituting the pre-factor obtained from the stratigraphic sampled into the regression equations, the estimates of temperature and precipitation in January and in July, and annual mean temperature values could be calculated. Some climatic stages were inferred from total pollen influx and pollen percentage from the core using a transfer function: humid-cool (from 10 000 to 7 800 a BP), arid-cold (9 200 to 7 900 a BP), arid-warm (7 900 to 7 100 a BP), humid-warm (7 100 to 4 400 a BP), arid-warm (4 400 to 3 000 a BP), arid-cold (3 000 to 2 100 a BP). The highest annual mean temperature during Holocene was ca. 4 ℃ higher and the lowest was ca. 2 ℃ lower than the present temperature. Annual precipitation was 250 mm higher and 300 mm lower than the present.