Author: ZHOU Guo-Yi, HUANG Zhi-Hong, Jim MORRIS, LI Zhi-An, John COLLOPY, ZHANG Ning-Nan and BAI Jia-Yu
Radial variation in sap flux density (SFD) as a function of sapwood thickness is of importance in accurately estimating sap flux through sapwood area which, inturn, decides the precision of heat pulse application. However, until now, only a few studies have evaluated the magnitude and significance of sampling errors asociated with radial gradients in SFD, which were based on the small monitoring measurement data from a few trees. Based on one year of heat pulse observation of two 3-4 years old Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake plantations in Leizhou Peninsula, Guangdong Province, China, a way of data processing was developed to treat with the lots of SFD data measured from 39 trees. It was found that the radial variation in SFD as a function of sapwood thickness in the two eucalyptus plantation sites could be expressed as y=3.667 5x3-7.295 5x2+3.682 6x+0.567 4 (R2=0.939 1, n=80, P=0.01), where y is the ratio of SFD of a sensor to the average of four data in different depths, x is the ratio of a sensor depth to the radial sapwood thickness. It was the same (as in the following equation) in Jijia site, y=5.006 2x3-9.116 1x2+4.454 4x+0.463 4 (R2=0.806 9, n=72, P=0.01) in Hetou site. From cambium to heartwood, SFD showed some increases at first and then decreases continuously. However, because the trees were very young, the maximum SFD was only 0.33-0.36 times more than the minimum.
周国逸1* 黄志宏1 Jim MORRIS2 李志安1 John COLLORY2 张宁南3 白嘉雨3
(1. 中国科学院华南植物研究所,广州510650;Centre for Fprest Tree Technology,Victoria 3084, Australia; 3. 中国林业科学院热带林业研究所,广州510520)
摘要: 树液流动密度(SFD)随边材径向深度的变化对于准确估测流经边材的树液通量是非常重要的,后者又制约着Heat Pulse的应用精度.但迄今为止,只有很少的研究估计了由于SFD随径向的梯度变化而带来的误差,SFD沿树干径向分布规律的获得往往依靠对少数几棵树的观测资料.基于在广东雷州半岛对两块3~4年生桉树(Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake)人工林1年的Heat Pulse观测,探讨了对来自39株立木大量观测资料的综合处理方法,发现这两个样地(纪家和河头)的林分中SFD随边材径向深度的变化可以用如下回归方程来描述:纪家: y=3.667 5x 3-7.295 5x2+3.682 6x+0.567 4 (R2=0.939 1, n=80, P=0.01)河头: y=5.006 2x 3-9.116 1x2+4.454 4x+0.463 4 (R2=0.806 9, n=72, P=0.01)式中:y--某一树液感应器所测得的SFD与不同深度的4个感应器所测得的SFD的平均值之比;x-某一树液感应器在边材中的深度与边材厚度之比.从形成层到心材,SFD最初有所增加,随后持续减小,但由于树木年龄很小,最大的SFD只比最小的SFD大0.33~0.36倍.
关键词: 径向变化;树液流量密度;边材厚度;桉树