Author: Chen Zu-keng, Zhou Fu and Wang Fu-xiong(Wang Fu-hsiung)
J Integr Plant Biol 1988, 30 (6): -.
Anemarrhena asphodeloides is a monotypic genus of Liliaceae, endemic to China and Korea. This genus is characterized by possessing three stamens. From development of male gametophyte, three features of the species are noteworthy. (1) During meiosis of the micros- pore mother cells, the Golgi vesicles are immediately incorporated into the formation of the material of callose wall; The latter lying at the outer tangential is about 4 gm in thickness dining formation of the tetrad. In the outer tangential callose wall there are certain cytoplasmic canals, which are about 0.6 to 1 μm in diameter. During the development of pollen grains, there are a number of other vesicles dispersing in the cytoplasm of the microspores. The activity of these vesicles seems to be involved in accumulation and formation of lipid bodies. But the above vesicles, which were derivxed from Golgi or endoplasmic reticulum, have not been known in this genus. (2) By two-celled stage of pollen grains, the unequal distribution of lipid bodies is very prominent, and they are singular in being placed on the boundary between the plasmalemma of vegetative and generative cells. While the generative cell is delached from the intine of pollen grain, the generative cell is surrounded by the lipid bodies which had been called the corona of them. By the observation of TEM, these lipid bodies come from the cytoplasm of vegetative cell and did not remain a constant surrounding layer. Towards the stage of pollen maturation, the lipid bodies lying oppositely to the nucleus of vegetative cell were gradually dispersed in the cytoplasm. Their function is unknown but the observation shows that some of them move to the plasmalemma of the pollen grain. (3) An important feature of the mature pollen grain in Anemarrhena is that the generative cell does not contain plastids during polle development. On the basis of cytological mechanisms of the plastid inheritance, Hagemann (1983) has classified the angiosperms into four groups of species, of which the Lycopersicum type, Solanum type, and Triticum type belong to the mode of a uniparental maternal inheritance of plastids; while the Pelargonium type represents the mode of biparental inheritance of plastids. Our studies have confirmed that the mode of plastid inheritance in Anemarrhena asphodeloides is similar to Gasteria verrucosa, both show the same mode of plastid inheritance of Lycopersicum type.