Author: Sun Bai-nian, Yang Shu and Shen Guang-long
J Integr Plant Biol 1989, 31 (11): -.
According to the systematical study on the cuticular samples of Otozamites hsiangchiensis Sze, authors indicated that there were some obvious changes of epidermal structures in different parts of its frond. The relation between the changes and the externally morphological feature of the frond is discussed. Authors compare also the species with other similar species of the genus Otozamites. On the basis of the careful measure on its minute characteristic, the cuticular diagnosis of the species is given as follows: Upper cuticles were 2–2.5 μm in thickness, without stomata, papillae and trichome bases. Epidermal cells rectangular, nerve-courses and interveinareas were distinguishable. Lower cuticles were slightly thinner than upper ones, with densely stomatal apparatus and papillae. Cells of stomatal zones were irregular in outline. Cells of nerve-courses arranged in 2–3 transverse rows and more or less rectangular in outline. Anticlinal wails of all cells were strongly sinuous. Stomata is syndetocheilic, slightly sunken and varied in size, most of them arranged in long or short rows, only a few dispersed. Guard cells were slightly lower than subsidiary cells. Subsidiary cells were subcircular in outline, more heavily cutinized than encircling cells.