Author: Ting Tsing, and Fang.Yi-hsiung
J Integr Plant Biol 1957, 6 (2): -.
The present study was carried out with a local variety of rice plant called “Lao Lai Ching”. Six plants were
cultivated in each pot containing 25 kg of garden soil weighed on air-dried basis. Experimental pots were
grouped according to the following successive growth stages: early tillering, late tillering, shooting,
heading-flowering and milky-ripening stages. At each of these stages, salt water, amounted to 4600—5000
ml. was added at once to the experimental pots. The concentrations of NaC1 tested were 0.0 (control)
0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.5%. Eight pots were used for each salt concentration, comprising a total of 48
pots within a group. In the case of the two last growth stages, an additional higher concentration (2.0% NaCl)
has been tested. Tap water was supplimented daily to the same fixed level. Both the growth and
productive characters of experimental and control rice plants were recorded after harvest, but the chloride
contents in their leaves, stems, etc. were determined with samples taken one month before the harvest. The
results obtained can be summarized as follows:
(1) After adding salt water, the chloride content of pot water decreased gradually. The rate of
disappearence was much slower in those pots in which the plants were in early and late tillering stages than
those in shooting, heading-flowering or milky-ripening stages. This is understandable since the growth
vigour of the plants in the first two stages will certainly limit their total absorptive capacity.
(2) Rice plants of different growth stage manifest different degree of salt tolerance. Those in early
and late tillering stages as well as in shooting stage were found to be more sensitive to salt, while those in
heading-flowering and in milky-ripening stages displayed a greater resistance.
(3) Under the conditions of our experiments, treatment of rice plants in early and late tillering and in
shooting stages with 0.25% NaCl solution did not decrease the yield; while a similar treatment with
concentration over 0.50% did affect the grain yield, particulary at the higher concentrations. Furthermore,
it should be noted that treatment at the early tillering stage with 1.5% salt water led invariably to death of the
treated plants. On the other hand, salt concentration as high as 1.0% did not change grain yield when it was
applied to rice plants at heading-flowering and milky-ripening stages. For these latter stages, a significant
drop in grain yield was only observed in those groups treated with 2% NaC1 solution.
(4) Treatment if rice plants in shooting stage with salt water induced the formation of abnormal spikelets
and non-productive shoots, particularly at higher concentrations. However, no influence on heading and
flowering was observed when rice plants in heading-flowering stage were so treated.
(5) Analysis of chloride contents of different parts of rice plant points out to the following order of
decreasing chloride concentration: stem, leaf sheath, leaf blade, root and grain. In general, treatment of rice
plants in early and late tillering and in shooting stages with salt water up to a concentration of 1.0% did not
affect the chloride content. However, a gradual increase in tissue chloride content has been observed when
the treatment was made at heading-flowering or at milkyripening stage. Such an increase was very marked
in those plants treated with 1.5% and 2.0% NaCl solutions. The above difference might possibly be
accounted for by the fact that salt treatment at early and late tillering and at shooting stages resulted in a
greater accumulation of salt in the old and later dying-away leaves which were not included in our samples
for chloride determination.