Author: Chen Yan-rong and Huang Liang
J Integr Plant Biol 1976, 18 (2): -.
In order to search for more raw material for the industrial production of steroid drugs, with the help of several plantations, 17 samples of 5 different species of Agave, namely A. americana L., A. sisalana Perr., A. cantala Roxb, A. angustifilia Haw, and a variety of A. americana gathered from Kwangtung, Kwangsi, and Fu- kien were examined. Hecogenin, the valuable raw material for the commercial production of steroid hormones, was found in all the samples tested. For the purpose of reasonable ultilization of the waste juice from the textile manufacturing, three species were selected for more detail study, β-sitosterol, neotigogenin, hecogenin, gitogenin, chlorogenin and manogenin were isolated from the leaves of A. cantala Roxb growing in Fukien; tigogenin, hecogenin, and chlorogenin from the leaves of A. angustifolia Haw growing in Kwangtung; tigogenone, β-sitosterol, tigogenin, hecogenin, 9-dehydroheeogenin, shlorogenin and hainangenin from the leaves of a variety of A. americana growing in Kwangtung were isolated. This work is not only useful for commercial production of hecogenin and tigogenin, but also has some theoretical interest.