J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 2011, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (12): 920-929.DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7909.2011.01081.x

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The Role of Phytochrome in Stress Tolerance

Rogério Falleiros Carvalho1, Marcelo Lattarulo Campos2 and Ricardo Antunes Azevedo3*   

  1. 1Department of Applied Biology, UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP CEP 14884-900, Brazil
    2Department of Energy, Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
    3Department of Genetics, ESALQ, University of Säo Paulo, Piracicaba, SP CEP 13418-900, Brazil
  • Received:2011-08-15 Accepted:2011-10-24 Published:2011-10-31
  • About author: *Corresponding author. Tel: +55 19 3429 4475; Fax: +55 19 3447 8620; E-mail: raazeved@esalq.usp.br


It is well-documented that phytochromes can control plant growth and development from germination to flowering. Additionally, these photoreceptors have been shown to modulate both biotic and abiotic stress. This has led to a series of studies exploring the molecular and biochemical basis by which phytochromes modulate stresses, such as salinity, drought, high light or herbivory. Evidence for a role of phytrochromes in plant stress tolerance is explored and reviewed.

Carvalho RF, Campos ML, Azevedo RA (2011) The role of phytochrome in stress tolerance. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 53(12), 920–929.

Key words: abiotic stress, biotic stress, photoreceptors, phytochromes, stress modulation

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