J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 1995, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): -.

• Research Articles •    

Fluorescence Microscopic Observations on the Distribution Patterns of Actin Filaments in the Cells of Developing Endosperm in Triticum aestivum

Zhang Wei-cheng, Jin Shi-ping and Yan Wen-mei   

Abstract: The presence and distribution patterns of actin filaments (AFs) in the cells of developing wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) endosperm exhibiting intercellular protoplasmic movement were studied with fluorescence microscopy and video microscopy. By using TRITC-PhaIloidin as fluorescence probe and cytochalasin B (CB) treatment it was uncovered that there were a lot of AFs scattered throughout the cytoplasm and the patterns of AFs varied greatly with the actin localization. Four configurations of AFs could be recognized: an actin meshwork surrouding the nucleus; bundles of AFs radiating from nuclear “basket” and extending to the periplasm; numerous finer AFs densely and randomly distributed in the cortical cytoplasm and fusiform bodies composed of AFs appearing in the endosperm cells lying at the “cheek” of the caryopsis. Judging from the dynamic characters of intercellular movement of the cytoplasmic constituents and the reaction of cytoplasmic strands related to CB treatment, the authors have discussed and proposed that the exhibition of the two kinds of intercellular movement (extrusion of cytoplasmic strands and mass flow of ground substance) might also be in close relation to the different configurations of AF organization in the cytoplasm.

Key words: Actin filaments, Endosperm, Intercellular protoplasmic movement, TRITC-Phalloidin, Triticum aestivum

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