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    Incomplete reproductive isolation between Rhododendron taxa enables hybrid formation and persistence
    Li-Jun Yan, Kevin S. Burgess, Wei Zheng, Zhi-Bin Tao, De-Zhu Li and Lian-Ming Gao
    J Integr Plant Biol 2019, 61 (4): 433-448.  
    DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12718
    Abstract (Browse 249)  |   Save
    The evolutionary consequences of hybridization ultimately depend on the magnitude of reproductive isolation between hybrids and their parents. We evaluated the relative contributions of pre- and post-zygotic barriers to reproduction for hybrid formation, hybrid persistence and potential for reproductive isolation of hybrids formed between two Rhododendron species, R. spiciferum and R. spinuliferum. Our study established that incomplete reproductive isolation promotes hybrid formation and persistence and delays hybrid speciation. All pre-zygotic barriers to reproduction leading to hybrid formation are incomplete: parental species have overlapping flowering; they share the same pollinators; reciprocal assessments of pollen tube germination and growth do not differ among parents. The absence of post-zygotic barriers between parental taxa indicates that the persistence of hybrids is likely. Reproductive isolation was incomplete between hybrids and parents in all cases studied, although asymmetric differences in reproductive fitness were prevalent and possibly explain the genetic structure of natural hybrid swarms where hybridization is known to be bidirectional but asymmetric. Introgression, rather than speciation, is a probable evolutionary outcome of hybridization between the two Rhododendron taxa. Our study provides insights into understanding the evolutionary implications of natural hybridization in woody plants.
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    Domestication and crop evolution of wheat and barley: Genes, genomics, and future directions
    Matthew Haas, Mona Schreiber and Martin Mascher
    J Integr Plant Biol 2019, 61 (3): 204-225.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.12737
    Abstract (Browse 249)  |   Save
    Wheat and barley are two of the founder crops of the agricultural revolution that took place 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent and both crops remain among the world's most important crops. Domestication of these crops from their wild ancestors required the evolution of traits useful to humans, rather than survival in their natural environment. Of these traits, grain retention and threshability, yield improvement, changes to photoperiod sensitivity and nutritional value are most pronounced between wild and domesticated forms. Knowledge about the geographical origins of these crops and the genes responsible for domestication traits largely pre-dates the era of next-generation sequencing, although sequencing will lead to new insights. Molecular markers were initially used to calculate distance (relatedness), genetic diversity and to generate genetic maps which were useful in cloning major domestication genes. Both crops are characterized by large, complex genomes which were long thought to be beyond the scope of whole-genome sequencing. However, advances in sequencing technologies have improved the state of genomic resources for both wheat and barley. The availability of reference genomes for wheat and some of its progenitors, as well as for barley, sets the stage for answering unresolved questions in domestication genomics of wheat and barley.
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    Analysis of the chromatin binding affinity of retrotransposases reveals novel roles in diploid and tetraploid cotton
    Jing Lin, Ying Cai, Gai Huang, Yan Yang, Yang Li, Kun Wang and Zhiguo Wu
    J Integr Plant Biol 2019, 61 (1): 32-44.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.12740
    Abstract (Browse 359)  |   Save
    LTR-retrotransposable elements are major components of diploid (Gossypium arboreum) and tetraploid (Gossypium hirsutum) cotton genomes that have undergone dramatic increases in copy number during the course of evolution. However, little is known about the biological functions of LTR-retrotransposable elements in cotton. Here, we show that a copia-like LTR-retrotransposable element has maintained considerable activity in both G. arboreum and G. hirsutum. We identified two functional domains of the retrotransposon and analyzed their expression levels in various cotton tissues, including leaves, ovules, and germinating seeds. ChIP-qPCR (chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by quantitative PCR), using a copia-specific antibody, established that copia-like proteins primarily bind to the first exons of several protein-coding genes in cotton cells. This finding suggests that retrotransposons play a novel, important role in regulating the transcriptional activities of protein-coding genes with various biological activities.
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    A Malvaceae mystery: A mallow maelstrom of genome multiplications and maybe misleading methods?
    Justin L. Conover, Nisa Karimi, Noah Stenz, Cécile Ané, Corrinne E. Grover, Cynthia Skema, Jennifer A. Tate, Kirsten Wolff, Samuel A. Logan, Jonathan F. Wendel and David A. Baum
    J Integr Plant Biol 2019, 61 (1): 12-31.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.12746
    Abstract (Browse 282)  |   Save
    Previous research suggests that Gossypium has undergone a 5- to 6-fold multiplication following its divergence from Theobroma. However, the number of events, or where they occurred in the Malvaceae phylogeny remains unknown. We analyzed transcriptomic and genomic data from representatives of eight of the nine Malvaceae subfamilies. Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear data placed Dombeya (Dombeyoideae) as sister to the rest of Malvadendrina clade, but the plastid DNA tree strongly supported Durio (Helicteroideae) in this position. Intraspecific Ks plots indicated that all sampled taxa, except Theobroma (Byttnerioideae), Corchorus (Grewioideae), and Dombeya (Dombeyoideae), have experienced whole genome multiplications (WGMs). Quartet analysis suggested WGMs were shared by Malvoideae-Bombacoideae and Sterculioideae-Tilioideae, but did not resolve whether these are shared with each other or Helicteroideae (Durio). Gene tree reconciliation and Bayesian concordance analysis suggested a complex history. Alternative hypotheses are suggested, each involving two independent autotetraploid and one allopolyploid event. They differ in that one entails an allopolyploid origin for the Durio lineage, whereas the other invokes an allopolyploid origin for Malvoideae-Bombacoideae. We highlight the need for more genomic information in the Malvaceae and improved methods to resolve complex evolutionary histories that may include allopolyploidy, incomplete lineage sorting, and variable rates of gene and genome evolution.
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    Functional diversifications of GhERF1 duplicate genes after the formation of allotetraploid cotton
    Chunxiao Liu and TianZhen Zhang
    J Integr Plant Biol 2019, 61 (1): 60-74.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.12764
    Abstract (Browse 241)  |   Save
    Whole genome duplication, a prevalent force of evolution in plants, results in massive genome restructuring in different organisms. Roles of the resultant duplicated genes are poorly understood, both functionally and evolutionarily. In the present study, differentially expressed ethylene responsive factors (GhERF1s), anchored on Chr-A07 and Chr-D07, were isolated from a high-yielding cotton hybrid (XZM2) and its parents. The GhERF1 was located in the B3 subgroup of the ethylene responsive factors subfamily involved in conferring tolerance to abiotic stress. Nucleotide sequence analysis of 524 diverse accessions, together with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis, elucidated that de-functionalization of GhERF1-7A occurred due to one base insertion following formation of the allotetraploid cotton. Our quantitative trait loci and association mapping analyses highlighted a role for GhERF1-7A in conferring high boll number per plant in modern cotton cultivars. Overexpression of GhERF1-7A in transgenic Arabidopsis resulted in a substantial increase in the number of siliques and total seed yield. Neo-functionalization of GhERF1-7A was also observed in modern cultivars rather than in races and/or landraces, further supporting its role in the development of high-yielding cotton cultivars. Both de- and neo-functionalization occurred in one of the duplicate genes, thus providing new genomic insight into the evolution of allotetraploid cotton species.
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    Recurrent genome duplication events likely contributed to both the ancient and recent rise of ferns
    Chien-Hsun Huang, Xinping Qi, Duoyuan Chen, Ji Qi and Hong Ma
    J Integr Plant Biol 2020, 62 (4): 433-455.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.12877
    Abstract (Browse 478)  |   Save

    Ferns, the second largest group of vascular plants, originated ~400 million years ago (Mya). They became dominant in the ancient Earth landscape before the angiosperms and are still important in current ecosystems. Many ferns have exceptionally high chromosome numbers, possibly resulting from whole‐genome duplications (WGDs). However, WGDs have not been investigated molecularly across fern diversity. Here we detected and dated fern WGDs using a phylogenomic approach and by calculating synonymous substitution rates (Ks). We also investigated a possible correlation between proposed WGDs and shifts in species diversification rates. We identified 19 WGDs: three ancient events along the fern phylogenetic backbone that are shared by 66%–97% of extant ferns, with additional lineage‐specific WGDs for eight orders, providing strong evidence for recurring genome duplications across fern evolutionary history. We also observed similar Ks peak values for more than half of these WGDs, with multiple WGDs occurring close to the Cretaceous (~145–66 Mya). Despite the repeated WGD events, the biodiversity of ferns declined during the Cretaceous, implying that other factors probably contributed to the floristic turnover from ferns to angiosperms. This study provides molecular evidence for recurring WGDs in ferns and offers important clues to the genomic evolutionary history of ferns.

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    The origin of Wxla provides new insights into the improvement of grain quality in rice
    Hao Zhou, Duo Xia, Da Zhao, Yanhua Li, Pingbo Li, Bian Wu, Guanjun Gao, Qinglu Zhang, Gongwei Wang, Jinghua Xiao, Xianghua Li, Sibin Yu, Xingming Lian and Yuqing He
    J Integr Plant Biol 2021, 63 (5): 878-888.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.13011
    Abstract (Browse 496)  |   Save
    Appearance and taste are important factors in rice (Oryza sativa) grain quality. Here, we investigated the taste scores and related eating‐quality traits of 533 diverse cultivars to assess the relationships between—and genetic basis of—rice taste and eating‐quality. A genome‐wide association study highlighted the Wx gene as the major factor underlying variation in taste and eating quality. Notably, a novel waxy (Wx) allele, Wxla, which combined two mutations from Wxb and Wxin, exhibited a unique phenotype. Reduced GBSSI activity conferred Wxla rice with both a transparent appearance and good eating quality. Haplotype analysis revealed that Wxla was derived from intragenic recombination. In fact, the recombination rate at the Wx locus was estimated to be 3.34 kb/cM, which was about 75‐fold higher than the genome‐wide mean, indicating that intragenic recombination is a major force driving diversity at the Wx locus. Based on our results, we propose a new network for Wx evolution, noting that new Wx alleles could easily be generated by crossing genotypes with different Wx alleles. This study thus provides insights into the evolution of the Wx locus and facilitates molecular breeding for quality in rice.
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    Contribution of phenylpropanoid metabolism to plant development and plant–environment interactions
    Nai-Qian Dong and Hong-Xuan Lin
    J Integr Plant Biol 2021, 63 (1): 180-209.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.13054
    Abstract (Browse 792)  |   Save
    Phenylpropanoid metabolism is one of the most important metabolisms in plants, yielding more than 8,000 metabolites contributing to plant development and plant–environment interplay. Phenylpropanoid metabolism materialized during the evolution of early freshwater algae that were initiating terrestrialization and land plants have evolved multiple branches of this pathway, which give rise to metabolites including lignin, flavonoids, lignans, phenylpropanoid esters, hydroxycinnamic acid amides, and sporopollenin. Recent studies have revealed that many factors participate in the regulation of phenylpropanoid metabolism, and modulate phenylpropanoid homeostasis when plants undergo successive developmental processes and are subjected to stressful environments. In this review, we summarize recent progress on elucidating the contribution of phenylpropanoid metabolism to the coordination of plant development and plant–environment interaction, and metabolic flux redirection among diverse metabolic routes. In addition, our review focuses on the regulation of phenylpropanoid metabolism at the transcriptional, post‐transcriptional, post‐translational, and epigenetic levels, and in response to phytohormones and biotic and abiotic stresses.
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    An update on the function and regulation of methylerythritol phosphate and mevalonate pathways and their evolutionary dynamics
    Xiaojun Pu, Xiumei Dong, Qing Li, Zexi Chen and Li Liu
    J Integr Plant Biol 2021, 63 (7): 1211-1226.  
    DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13076
    Abstract (Browse 360)  |   Save
    Isoprenoids are among the largest and most chemically diverse classes of organic compounds in nature and are involved in the processes of photosynthesis, respiration, growth, development, and plant responses to stress. The basic building block units for isoprenoid synthesis—isopentenyl diphosphate and its isomer dimethylallyl diphosphate—are generated by the mevalonate (MVA) and methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathways. Here, we summarize recent advances on the roles of the MEP and MVA pathways in plant growth, development and stress responses, and attempt to define the underlying gene networks that orchestrate the MEP and MVA pathways in response to developmental or environmental cues. Through phylogenomic analysis, we also provide a new perspective on the evolution of the plant isoprenoid pathway. We conclude that the presence of the MVA pathway in plants may be associated with the transition from aquatic to subaerial and terrestrial environments, as lineages for its core components are absent in green algae. The emergence of the MVA pathway has acted as a key evolutionary event in plants that facilitated land colonization and subsequent embryo development, as well as adaptation to new and varied environments.
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    Phylotranscriptomic insights into Asteraceae diversity, polyploidy, and morphological innovation
    Caifei Zhang, Chien‐Hsun Huang, Mian Liu, Yi Hu, Jose L. Panero, Federico Luebert, Tiangang Gao and Hong Ma
    J Integr Plant Biol 2021, 63 (7): 1273-1293.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.13078
    Abstract (Browse 414)  |   Save
    Biodiversity is not evenly distributed among related groups, raising questions about the factors contributing to such disparities. The sunflower family (Asteraceae, >26,000 species) is among the largest and most diverse plant families, but its species diversity is concentrated in a few subfamilies, providing an opportunity to study the factors affecting biodiversity. Phylotranscriptomic analyses here of 244 transcriptomes and genomes produced a phylogeny with strong support for the monophyly of Asteraceae and the monophyly of most subfamilies and tribes. This phylogeny provides a reference for detecting changes in diversification rates and possible factors affecting Asteraceae diversity, which include global climate shifts, whole-genome duplications (WGDs), and morphological evolution. The origin of Asteraceae was estimated at ~83 Mya, with most subfamilies having diverged before the Cretaceous–Paleocene boundary. Phylotranscriptomic analyses supported the existence of 41 WGDs in Asteraceae. Changes to herbaceousness and capitulescence with multiple flower-like capitula, often with distinct florets and scaly pappus/receptacular bracts, are associated with multiple upshifts in diversification rate. WGDs might have contributed to the survival of early Asteraceae by providing new genetic materials to support morphological transitions. The resulting competitive advantage for adapting to different niches would have increased biodiversity in Asteraceae.
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    Insights into salvianolic acid B biosynthesis from chromosome-scale assembly of the Salvia bowleyana genome
    Xuehai Zheng, Duo Chen, Binghua Chen, Limin Liang, Zhen Huang, Wenfang Fan, Jiannan Chen, Wenjin He, Huibin Chen, Luqiang Huang, Youqiang Chen, Jinmao Zhu and Ting Xue
    J Integr Plant Biol 2021, 63 (7): 1309-1323.  
    DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13085
    Abstract (Browse 303)  |   Save
    Salvia bowleyana is a traditional Chinese medicinal plant that is a source of nutritional supplements rich in salvianolic acid B and a potential experimental system for the exploration of salvianolic acid B biosynthesis in the Labiatae. Here, we report a high-quality chromosome-scale genome assembly of S. bowleyana covering 462.44 Mb, with a scaffold N50 value of 57.96 Mb and 44,044 annotated protein-coding genes. Evolutionary analysis revealed an estimated divergence time between S. bowleyana and its close relative S. miltiorrhiza of ~3.94 million years. We also observed evidence of a whole-genome duplication in the S. bowleyana genome. Transcriptome analysis showed that SbPAL1 (PHENYLALANINE AMMONIA-LYASE1) is highly expressed in roots relative to stem and leaves, paralleling the location of salvianolic acid B accumulation. The laccase gene family in S. bowleyana outnumbered their counterparts in both S. miltiorrhiza and Arabidopsis thaliana, suggesting that the gene family has undergone expansion in S. bowleyana. Several laccase genes were also highly expressed in roots, where their encoded proteins may catalyze the oxidative reaction from rosmarinic acid to salvianolic acid B. These findings provide an invaluable genomic resource for understanding salvianolic acid B biosynthesis and its regulation, and will be useful for exploring the evolution of the Labiatae.
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    Balancing selection and wild gene pool contribute to resistance in global rice germplasm against planthopper
    Cong Zhou, Qian Zhang, Yu Chen, Jin Huang, Qin Guo, Yi Li, Wensheng Wang, Yongfu Qiu, Wei Guan, Jing Zhang, Jianping Guo, Shaojie Shi, Di Wu, Xiaohong Zheng, Lingyun Nie, Jiaoyan Tan, Chaomei Huang, Yinhua Ma, Fang Yang, Xiqin Fu, Bo Du, Lili Zhu, Rongzhi Chen, Zhikang Li, Longping Yuan and Guangcun He
    J Integr Plant Biol 2021, 63 (10): 1695-1711.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.13157
    Abstract (Browse 360)  |   Save
    Interactions and co-evolution between plants and herbivorous insects are critically important in agriculture. Brown planthopper (BPH) is the most severe insect of rice, and the biotypes adapt to feed on different rice genotypes. Here, we present genomics analyses on 1,520 global rice germplasms for resistance to three BPH biotypes. Genome-wide association studies identified 3,502 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 59 loci associated with BPH resistance in rice. We cloned a previously unidentified gene Bph37 that confers resistance to BPH. The associated loci showed high nucleotide diversity. Genome-wide scans for trans-species polymorphisms revealed ancient balancing selection at the loci. The secondarily evolved insect biotypes II and III exhibited significantly higher virulence and overcame more rice varieties than the primary biotype I. In response, more SNPs and loci evolved in rice for resistance to biotypes II and III. Notably, three exceptional large regions with high SNP density and resistance-associated loci on chromosomes 4 and 6 appear distinct between the resistant and susceptible rice varieties. Surprisingly, these regions in resistant rice might have been retained from wild species Oryza nivara. Our findings expand the understanding of long-term interactions between rice and BPH and provide resistance genes and germplasm resources for breeding durable BPH-resistant rice varieties.
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    Spatial phylogenetics of the Chinese angiosperm flora provides insights into endemism and conservation
    Xiao‐Xia Zhang, Jian‐Fei Ye, Shawn W. Laffan, Brent D. Mishler, Andrew H. Thornhill, Li‐Min Lu, Ling‐ Feng Mao, Bing Liu, You‐Hua Chen, An‐Ming Lu, Joseph T. Miller and Zhi‐Duan Chen
    J Integr Plant Biol 2022, 64 (1): 105-117.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.13189
    Abstract (Browse 350)  |   Save
    The flora of China is well known for its high diversity and endemism. Identifying centers of endemism and designating conservation priorities are essential goals for biodiversity studies. However, there is no comprehensive study from a rigorous phylogenetic perspective to understand patterns of diversity and endemism and to guide biodiversity conservation in China. We conducted a spatial phylogenetic analysis of the Chinese angiosperm flora at the generic level to identify centers of neo- and paleo-endemism. Our results indicate that: (i) the majority of grid cells in China with significantly high phylogenetic endemism (PE) were located in the mountainous regions; (ii) four of the nine centers of endemism recognized, located in northern and western China, were recognized for the first time; (iii) arid and semiarid regions in Northwest China were commonly linked to significant PE, consistent with other spatial phylogenetic studies worldwide; and (iv) six high-priority conservation gaps were detected by overlaying the boundaries of China's nature reserves on all significant PE cells. Overall, we conclude that the mountains of southern and northern China contain both paleo-endemics (ancient relictual lineages) and neo-endemics (recently diverged lineages). The areas we highlight as conservation priorities are important for broad-scale planning, especially in the context of evolutionary history preservation.
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    Cited: Web of Science(10)
    Origin and evolution of green plants in the light of key evolutionary events
    Zhenhua Zhang, Xiaoya Ma, Yannan Liu, Lingxiao Yang, Xuan Shi, Hao Wang, Runjie Diao and Bojian Zhong
    J Integr Plant Biol 2022, 64 (2): 516-535.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.13224
    Abstract (Browse 324)  |   Save
    Green plants (Viridiplantae) are ancient photosynthetic organisms that thrive both in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, greatly contributing to the changes in global climates and ecosystems. Significant progress has been made toward understanding the origin and evolution of green plants, and plant biologists have arrived at the consensus that green plants first originated in marine deep-water environments and later colonized fresh water and dry land. The origin of green plants, colonization of land by plants and rapid radiation of angiosperms are three key evolutionary events during the long history of green plants. However, the comprehensive understanding of evolutionary features and molecular innovations that enabled green plants to adapt to complex and changeable environments are still limited. Here, we review current knowledge of phylogenetic relationships and divergence times of green plants, and discuss key morphological innovations and distinct drivers in the evolution of green plants. Ultimately, we highlight fundamental questions to advance our understanding of the phenotypic novelty, environmental adaptation, and domestication of green plants.
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    Cited: Web of Science(11)
    Cultivated hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida var. major) genome sheds light on the evolution of Maleae (apple tribe)
    Ticao Zhang, Qin Qiao, Xiao Du, Xiao Zhang, Yali Hou, Xin Wei, Chao Sun, Rengang Zhang, Quanzheng Yun, M. James C. Crabbe, Yves Van de Peer and Wenxuan Dong
    J Integr Plant Biol 2022, 64 (8): 1487-1501.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.13318
    Abstract (Browse 382)  |   Save

    Cultivated hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida var. major) is an important medicinal and edible plant with a long history of use for health protection in China. Herein, we provide a de novo chromosome-level genome sequence of the hawthorn cultivar “Qiu Jinxing.” We assembled an 823.41 Mb genome encoding 40 571 genes and further anchored the 779.24 Mb sequence into 17 pseudo-chromosomes, which account for 94.64% of the assembled genome. Phylogenomic analyses revealed that cultivated hawthorn diverged from other species within the Maleae (apple tribe) at approximately 35.4 Mya. Notably, genes involved in the flavonoid and triterpenoid biosynthetic pathways have been significantly amplified in the hawthorn genome. In addition, our results indicated that the Maleae share a unique ancient tetraploidization event; however, no recent independent whole-genome duplication event was specifically detected in hawthorn. The amplification of non-specific long terminal repeat retrotransposons contributed the most to the expansion of the hawthorn genome. Furthermore, we identified two paleo-sub-genomes in extant species of Maleae and found that these two sub-genomes showed different rearrangement mechanisms. We also reconstructed the ancestral chromosomes of Rosaceae and discussed two possible paleo-polyploid origin patterns (autopolyploidization or allopolyploidization) of Maleae. Overall, our study provides an improved context for understanding the evolution of Maleae species, and this new high-quality reference genome provides a useful resource for the horticultural improvement of hawthorn.

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    Cited: Web of Science(8)
    The origin and evolution of carpels and fruits from an evo-devo perspective
    Hongyan Liu, Jun Li, Pichang Gong and Chaoying He
    J Integr Plant Biol 2023, 65 (2): 283-298.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.13351
    Abstract (Browse 307)  |   Save
    The flower is an evolutionary innovation in angiosperms that drives the evolution of biodiversity. The carpel is integral to a flower and develops into fruits after fertilization, while the perianth, consisting of the calyx and corolla, is decorative to facilitate pollination and protect the internal organs, including the carpels and stamens. Therefore, the nature of flower origin is carpel and stamen origin, which represents one of the greatest and fundamental unresolved issues in plant evolutionary biology. Here, we briefly summarize the main progress and key genes identified for understanding floral development, focusing on the origin and development of the carpels. Floral ABC models have played pioneering roles in elucidating flower development, but remain insufficient for resolving flower and carpel origin. The genetic basis for carpel origin and subsequent diversification leading to fruit diversity also remains elusive. Based on current research progress and technological advances, simplified floral models and integrative evolutionary-developmental (evo-devo) strategies are proposed for elucidating the genetics of carpel origin and fruit evolution. Stepwise birth of a few master regulatory genes and subsequent functional diversification might play a pivotal role in these evolutionary processes. Among the identified transcription factors, AGAMOUS (AG) and CRABS CLAW (CRC) may be the two core regulatory genes for carpel origin as they determine carpel organ identity, determinacy, and functionality. Therefore, a comparative identification of their protein–protein interactions and downstream target genes between flowering and non-flowering plants from an evo-devo perspective may be primary projects for elucidating carpel origin and development.
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    Cited: Web of Science(1)
    Base editing-mediated targeted evolution of ACCase for herbicide-resistant rice mutants
    Hongzhi Wang, Yuxin He, Yingying Wang, Zuren Li, Jiannan Hao, Yijiao Song, Mugui Wang and Jian‐Kang Zhu
    J Integr Plant Biol 2022, 64 (11): 2029-2032.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.13352
    Abstract (Browse 341)  |   Save
    Improved cytosine and adenine base editors and an efficient dual editor were applied in targeted evolution of ACETYL COA CARBOXYLASE in rice, resulting in the generation of dozens of herbicide-resistant mutations, at least three of which, W2125L, W2125Q and C2186H, have not been reported previously.
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    Cited: Web of Science(6)
    Innovations and stepwise evolution of CBFs/DREB1s and their regulatory networks in angiosperms
    Yuqi Nie, Liangyu Guo, Fuqiang Cui, Yirong Shen, Xiaoxue Ye, Deyin Deng, Shuo Wang, Jianhua Zhu and Wenwu Wu
    J Integr Plant Biol 2022, 64 (11): 2111-2125.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.13357
    Abstract (Browse 301)  |   Save

    The C-repeat binding factors/dehydration-responsive element binding protein 1s (CBFs/DREB1s) have been identified as major regulators of cold acclimation in many angiosperm plants. However, their origin and evolutionary process associated to cold responsiveness are still lacking. By integrating multi-omics data of genomes, transcriptomes, and CBFs/DREB1s genome-wide binding profiles, we unveil the origin and evolution of CBFs/DREB1s and their regulatory network. Gene collinearity and phylogeny analyses show that CBF/DREB1 is an innovation evolved from tandem duplication-derived DREB III gene. A subsequent event of ε-whole genome duplication led to two CBF/DREB1 archetypes (Clades I and II) in ancient angiosperms. In contrast to cold-insensitivity of Clade I and their parent DREB III genes, Clade II evolved a further innovation in cold-sensitive response and was stepwise expanded in eudicots and monocots by independent duplications. In geological time, the duplication events were mainly enriched around the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary and/or in the Late Cenozoic Ice Age, when the global average temperature significantly decreased. Consequently, the duplicated CBF/DREB1 genes contributed to the rewiring of CBFs/DREB1s-regulatory network for cold tolerance. Altogether, our results highlight an origin and convergent evolution of CBFs/DREB1s and their regulatory network probably for angiosperms adaptation to global cooling.

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    Cited: Web of Science(6)
    Assembly dynamics of East Asian subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests: New insights from the dominant Fagaceae trees
    Lisi Hai, Xiao‐Qian Li, Jing‐Bo Zhang, Xiao‐Guo Xiang, Rui‐Qi Li, Florian Jabbour, Rosa del C. Ortiz, An‐Ming Lu, Zhi‐Duan Chen and Wei Wang
    J Integr Plant Biol 2022, 64 (11): 2126-2134.  
    DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13361
    Abstract (Browse 297)  |   Save

    The dominant species of a biome can be regarded as its genuine indicator. Evergreen broadleaved forests (EBLFs) in subtropical East Asia harbor high levels of species biodiversity and endemism and are vital to regional carbon storage and cycling. However, the historical assembly of this unique biome is still controversial. Fagaceae is the most essential family in East Asian subtropical EBLFs and its dominant species are vital for the existence of this biome. Here, we used the dominant Fagaceae species to shed light on the dynamic process of East Asian subtropical EBLFs over time. Our results indicate high precipitation in summer and low temperature in winter are the most influential climatic factors for the distribution of East Asian subtropical EBLFs. Modern East Asian subtropical EBLFs did not begin to appear until 23 Ma, subsequently experienced a long-lasting development in the Miocene and markedly deteriorated at about 4 Ma, driven jointly by orogenesis and paleoclimate. We also document that there is a lag time between when one clade invaded the region and when its members become dominant species within the region. This study may improve our ability to predict and mitigate the threats to biodiversity of East Asian subtropical EBLFs and points to a new path for future studies involving multidisciplinary methods to explore the assembly of regional biomes.

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    Cited: Web of Science(9)
    Horizontal gene transfer: Driving the evolution and adaptation of plants
    Hao Wang, Yuanhao Li, Zhenhua Zhang and Bojian Zhong
    J Integr Plant Biol 2023, 65 (3): 613-616.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.13407
    Abstract (Browse 176)  |   Save
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    Cited: Web of Science(2)
    Comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of Orchidaceae using nuclear genes and evolutionary insights into epiphytism
    Guojin Zhang, Yi Hu, Ming‐Zhong Huang, Wei‐Chang Huang, Ding‐Kun Liu, Diyang Zhang, Haihua Hu, Jason L. Downing, Zhong‐Jian Liu and Hong Ma
    J Integr Plant Biol 2023, 65 (5): 1204-1225.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.13462
    Abstract (Browse 233)  |   Save
    Orchidaceae (with >28,000 orchid species) are one of the two largest plant families, with economically and ecologically important species, and occupy global and diverse niches with primary distribution in rainforests. Among orchids, 70% grow on other plants as epiphytes; epiphytes contribute up to ~50% of the plant diversity in rainforests and provide food and shelter for diverse animals and microbes, thereby contributing to the health of these ecosystems. Orchids account for over two-thirds of vascular epiphytes and provide an excellent model for studying evolution of epiphytism. Extensive phylogenetic studies of Orchidaceae and subgroups have ;been crucial for understanding relationships among many orchid lineages, although some uncertainties remain. For example, in the largest subfamily Epidendroideae with nearly all epiphytic orchids, relationships among some tribes and many subtribes are still controversial, hampering evolutionary analyses of epiphytism. Here we obtained 1,450 low-copy nuclear genes from 610 orchid species, including 431 with newly generated transcriptomes, and used them for the reconstruction of robust Orchidaceae phylogenetic trees with highly supported placements of tribes and subtribes. We also provide generally well-supported phylogenetic placements of 131 genera and 437 species that were not sampled by previous plastid and nuclear phylogenomic studies. Molecular clock analyses estimated the Orchidaceae origin at ~132 million years ago (Ma) and divergences of most subtribes from 52 to 29?Ma. Character reconstruction supports at least 14 parallel origins of epiphytism; one such origin was placed at the most recent common ancestor of ~95% of epiphytic orchids and linked to modern rainforests. Ten occurrences of rapid increase in the diversification rate were detected within Epidendroideae near and after the K-Pg boundary, contributing to ~80% of the Orchidaceae diversity. This study provides a robust and the largest family-wide Orchidaceae nuclear phylogenetic tree thus far and new insights into the evolution of epiphytism in vascular plants.
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    Cited: Web of Science(1)
    Climate‐influenced boreotropical survival and rampant introgressions explain the thriving of New World grapes in the north temperate zone
    Ze‐Long Nie, Richard Hodel, Zhi‐Yao Ma, Gabriel Johnson, Chen Ren, Ying Meng, Stefanie M. Ickert‐Bond, Xiu‐Qun Liu, Elizabeth Zimmer and Jun Wen
    J Integr Plant Biol 2023, 65 (5): 1183-1203.  
    DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13466
    Abstract (Browse 205)  |   Save
    The north temperate region was characterized by a warm climate and a rich thermophilic flora before the Eocene, but early diversifications of the temperate biome under global climate change and biome shift remain uncertain. Moreover, it is becoming clear that hybridization/introgression is an important driving force of speciation in plant diversity. Here, we applied analyses from biogeography and phylogenetic networks to account for both introgression and incomplete lineage sorting based on genomic data from the New World Vitis, a charismatic component of the temperate North American flora with known and suspected gene flow among species. Biogeographic inference and fossil evidence suggest that the grapes were widely distributed from North America to Europe during the Paleocene to the Eocene, followed by widespread extinction and survival of relicts in the tropical New World. During the climate warming in the early Miocene, a Vitis ancestor migrated northward from the refugia with subsequent diversification in the North American region. We found strong evidence for widespread incongruence and reticulate evolution among nuclear genes within both recent and ancient lineages of the New World Vitis. Furthermore, the organellar genomes showed strong conflicts with the inferred species tree from the nuclear genomes. Our phylogenomic analyses provided an important assessment of the wide occurrence of reticulate introgression in the New World Vitis, which potentially represents one of the most important mechanisms for the diversification of Vitis species in temperate North America and even the entire temperate Northern Hemisphere. The scenario we report here may be a common model of temperate diversification of flowering plants adapted to the global climate cooling and fluctuation in the Neogene.
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    Cited: Web of Science(3)
    Climate factors affect forest biomass allocation by altering soil nutrient availability and leaf traits
    Hede Gong, Wenchen Song, Jiangfeng Wang, Xianxian Wang, Yuhui Ji, Xinyu Zhang and Jie Gao
    J Integr Plant Biol 2023, 65 (10): 2292-2303.  
    DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13545
    Abstract (Browse 166)  |   Save
    Biomass in forests sequesters substantial amounts of carbon; although the contribution of aboveground biomass has been extensively studied, the contribution of belowground biomass remains understudied. Investigating the forest biomass allocation is crucial for understanding the impacts of global change on carbon allocation and cycling. Moreover, the question of how climate factors affect biomass allocation in natural and planted forests remains unresolved. Here, we addressed this question by collecting data from 384 planted forests and 541 natural forests in China. We evaluated the direct and indirect effects of climate factors on the belowground biomass proportion (BGBP). The average BGBP was 31.09% in natural forests and was significantly higher (38.75%) in planted forests. Furthermore, we observed a significant decrease in BGBP with increasing temperature and precipitation. Climate factors, particularly those affecting soil factors, such as pH, strongly affected the BGBP in natural and planted forests. Based on our results, we propose that future studies should consider the effects of forest type (natural or planted) and soil factors on BGBP.
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    The advantages of crosstalk during the evolution of the BZR1-ARF6-PIF4 (BAP) module
    Runjie Diao, Mengru Zhao, Yannan Liu, Zhenhua Zhang and Bojian Zhong
    J Integr Plant Biol 2023, 65 (12): 2631-2644.  
    doi: 10.1111/jipb.13554
    Abstract (Browse 185)  |   Save
    The BAP module, comprising BRASSINAZOLE RESISTANT 1 (BZR1), AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 6 (ARF6), and PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR 4 (PIF4), functions as a molecular hub to orchestrate plant growth and development. In Arabidopsis thaliana, components of the BAP module physically interact to form a complex system that integrates light, brassinosteroid (BR), and auxin signals. Little is known about the origin and evolution of the BAP module. Here, we conducted comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses to investigate the evolution and functional diversification of the BAP module. Our results suggest that the BAP module originated in land plants and that the ζ, ε, and γ whole-genome duplication/triplication events contributed to the expansion of BAP module components in seed plants. Comparative transcriptomic analysis suggested that the prototype BAP module arose in Marchantia polymorpha, experienced stepwise evolution, and became established as a mature regulatory system in seed plants. We developed a formula to calculate the signal transduction productivity of the BAP module and demonstrate that more crosstalk among components enables higher signal transduction efficiency. Our results reveal the evolutionary history of the BAP module and provide insights into the evolution of plant signaling networks and the strategies employed by plants to integrate environmental and endogenous signals.
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    Multi-omics analysis reveals the evolutionary origin of diterpenoid alkaloid biosynthesis pathways in Aconitum
    Dake Zhao, Ya Zhang, Huanxing Ren, Yana Shi, Ding Dong, Zonghang Li, Guanghong Cui, Yong Shen, Zongmin Mou, Edward J. Kennelly, Luqi Huang, Jue Ruan, Suiyun Chen, Diqiu Yu and Yupeng Cun
    J Integr Plant Biol 2023, 65 (10): 2320-2335.  
    DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13565
    Abstract (Browse 208)  |   Save
    Diterpenoid alkaloids (DAs) have been often utilized in clinical practice due to their analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Natural DAs are prevalent in the family Ranunculaceae, notably in the Aconitum genus. Nevertheless, the evolutionary origin of the biosynthesis pathway responsible for DA production remains unknown. In this study, we successfully assembled a high-quality, pseudochromosome-level genome of the DA-rich species Aconitum vilmorinianum (A. vilmorinianum) (5.76 Gb). An A. vilmorinianum-specific whole-genome duplication event was discovered using comparative genomic analysis, which may aid in the evolution of the DA biosynthesis pathway. We identified several genes involved in DA biosynthesis via integrated genomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic analyses. These genes included enzymes encoding target ent-kaurene oxidases and aminotransferases, which facilitated the activation of diterpenes and insertion of nitrogen atoms into diterpene skeletons, thereby mediating the transformation of diterpenes into DAs. The divergence periods of these genes in A. vilmorinianum were further assessed, and it was shown that two major types of genes were involved in the establishment of the DA biosynthesis pathway. Our integrated analysis offers fresh insights into the evolutionary origin of DAs in A. vilmorinianum as well as suggestions for engineering the biosynthetic pathways to obtain desired DAs.
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    Diploid species phylogeny and evolutionary reticulation indicate early radiation of Ephedra in the Tethys coast
    Qiong Yu, Fu-Sheng Yang, Ya-Xing Chen, Hui Wu, Stefanie M. Ickert-Bond and Xiao-Quan Wang
    J Integr Plant Biol 2023, 65 (12): 2619-2630.  
    DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13573
    Abstract (Browse 157)  |   Save
    Reconstructing a robust species phylogeny and disentangling the evolutionary and biogeographic history of the gymnosperm genus Ephedra, which has a large genome and rich polyploids, remain a big challenge. Here we reconstructed a transcriptome-based phylogeny of 19 diploid Ephedra species, and explored evolutionary reticulations in this genus represented by 50 diploid and polyploid species, using four low-copy nuclear and nine plastid genes. The diploid species phylogeny indicates that the Mediterranean species diverged first, and the remaining species split into three clades, including the American species (Clade A), E. rhytidosperma, and all other Asian species (Clade B). The single-gene trees placed E. rhytidosperma sister to Clade A, Clade B, or Clades A + B in similar proportions, suggesting that radiation and gene flow likely occurred in the early evolution of Ephedra. In addition, reticulate evolution occurred not only among the deep nodes, but also in the recently evolved South American species, which further caused difficulty in phylogenetic reconstruction. Moreover, we found that allopolyploid speciation was pervasive in Ephedra. Our study also suggests that Ephedra very likely originated in the Tethys coast during the late Cretaceous, and the South American Ephedra species have a single origin by dispersal from Mexico or North America.
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