Author: Zheng Wen-jiao, Zheng Feng-zhong, Lian Yu-wu and Lin Peng
J Integr Plant Biol 1996, 38 (3): -.
The accumulation and biocycle of Cu, Pb, Zn and Mn elements were studied in Kandelia candel (L.) Druce mangrove community of Jiulong River Estuary of Fujian. The pool amounts of Cu, Pb, Zn and Mn elements in the forest soil (0~30 cm in depth) were 6.86, 4.23, 25.64 and 134. 67 g · m-2, respectively. The respective element contents ranged from in different parts of the plant, 1.85~6.97, 0.37~3.74, 16.0~25.2 and 140~1405 μg· g-1 of Cu, Pb, Zn and Mn. The pool amounts of elements in standing crop of the community were 87.98, 40. 34, 335.34 and 8006.99 mg · m-2 for Cu, Pb, Zn and Mn respectively. The pool amounts of Cu, Pb, Zn and Mn elements in residues were: 593.06, 49.27, 2450.79 and 43486.70 μg · m-2 respectively. The biocycle of the elements in the community were described as follows: Annual uptake of Cu was 10. 17, Pb 4.32, Zn 49. 14 and Mn 2268. 16 mg · m-2; Annual return of Cu was 2.21, Pb 0.70, Zn 18.63 and Mn 1574.98 mg· m-2; Annual retention of Cu was 7.96, Pb 3.62, Zn 30. 51 and Mn 693.18 mg · m-2. The turnover periods of Cu, Pb, Zn and Mn were 40, 58, 18 and 5 year, respectively. The absorption, utilatizion and cycle coefficients were in the order of Mn〉Zn〉Cu〉Pb.