The callus of medical plant Lycium barbarum L. in Ningxia was used as the materials for inducing somatic embryogenesis, and multitracer technique and γ-ray energy spectrum analysis were used for studying the rates of uptake of several tracer metal ions during embryogenesis. The results were: 1) Of 23 radionuclides, only 16 (Mn-52, Zn-65, Co-56, Co-60, As-74, Se-75, mTc-95, Rh-99, V-48, Rb-83, Rb-84, Sr-85, Y-87, Y-88, Zr-88 and Zr-89) were selectively absorbed, the other 7 (Be-7, Tc-96, Ru-97, mRh-101, Sc-46, Ga-67 and Cr-51) were not absorbed. 2) The rates of absorption of different metal ions were different at the same developmental stage. In 10 day culture, the rates of uptake of most metal ions were 5%/g, but that of Se-75, Ab-83, Sr-85 and Zr-89 were 10%-30%/g. The rates of absorption of the same metal ion were different at the same developmental stage, e.g. the rates of uptake of Se-75 were increasing in the course of development, two peaks of absorption appeared in the 5-7th and 15-20th days, being 14%/g and 20%/g. But, around 10th, the uptake rate decreased somewhat. The maximum uptake rate was 20%/g in 20th days. The uptake rates of some metal ions were with the somtimes keeping pace differentiation of embryonic cells. But sometimes not and division. The tendencies of the uptake rates of Se-75, Rb-83, Sr-85, Co-56 and V-48 were similar, indicating that the metal ions were accumulated in the callus during somatic embryogenesis. The uptake rate of Mn-52 was not only similar to other elements, but the variation was like normal distribution.
李杉1 邢更妹1 秦芝2 沈正虎1 王亚馥1*
(1. 兰州大学干旱农业生态国家重点实验室,兰州730000;2. 中国科学院近代物理研究所,兰州730000)
摘要:以药用植物宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum L.)愈伤组织为材料,离体培养诱导体细胞胚发生.采用多重示踪技术和γ射线能谱分析法研究枸杞体细胞胚发生中对多种痕量金属离子的吸收动态.结果表明:(1)体胚发生中对多种痕量金属离子的吸收呈选择性.对多重示踪剂溶液中的23种核素,只吸收了其中的16种(Mn-52、Zn-65、Co-56、Co-60、As-74、Se-75、mTc-95、Rh-99、V-48、Rb-83、Rb-84、Sr-85、Y-87、Y-88、Zr-88和Zr-89),而对另7种未吸收(Be-7、Tc-96、Ru-97、mRh-101、Sc-46、Ga-67和Cr-51).(2)吸收呈动态变化,在同一发育期对不同的金属离子吸收率不同,如第10天,大部分金属离子的吸收率在5%/g左右,而Se-75、Rb-83、Sr-85和Zr-89的则是10%~30%/g;在不同发育期对同一种金属离子的吸收率不同,如对Se-75的吸收总体呈上升趋势.第5天达第1峰值14%/g.随后缓慢下降,基本稳定,第15天后急剧上升,至第20天达第2个峰值20%/g;随着胚性细胞的分化与分裂,吸收既存在一致性,也存在非一致性.Se-75、Rb-83、Sr-85、Co-56和V-48等核素的吸收趋势相似,基本上呈上升曲线.而Mn-52的吸收趋势则类似正态分布曲线.
关键词: 枸杞;植物体细胞胚发生;多重示踪剂;吸收动态;痕量金属离子