Author: Li Xiong-biao, Yang Zhong-han and Cao Zong-xun (Tsao, T. H.)
J Integr Plant Biol 1986, 28 (4): -.
By affinity chromatography on ricin-Septarose 4B. pollen wall glycoproteins of Cucurbita pepo were isolated from pollen wall proteins which were prepared by extracting the pollen with isotonic Tris-HC1 buffer. Gas chromatographic analyses showed that the carbohydrate fraction of the pollen wall glycoproteins contained 0.7% rhamnose, 8.1% fucose, 5.1% arabinose, 5.1% xylose, 36.5% galactose, 36.2% glucose, and two unknown components. Isoelectric focusing PAGE showed that the pollen wall glycoproteins contained 6 components, with their respective pI at 3.8, 4.8, 5.4, 6.2, 6.7 and 7.6, and that the relative content of each of them was 40.6%, 15.6% 8.3%, 14.4%, 7,9%, and 13.2%, respectively. The amino acid composition of the 6 glycoproteins was determined with amino acid analyzer. Serine, glutamic acid and glycine were some of the predominent amino acids. These three, amino acids constitute more than 49% of the total amino acids.