Author: Shi Ding-ji, Zhou Guo-fei, Fang Zhao-xi, Qiu Yuan-yuan, Zhong Ze-pu and Cui Zhi-you
J Integr Plant Biol 1992, 34 (7): -.
Nostoc flagelliforme Born. et Flah. is one of the terrestrial cyanobacteria naturally distributed in arid and semi-arid areas in the Northern and the North-western parts of China. The cyanobacterium is an edible delicacy with special medical value. However, commercial N. flagelliforme has nov been collected from the field only. For cultivation of this valuable cyanobacterium, it is necessary to understand how it grows and how it adapts to the environment.The experimental material was collected in Siziwangqi of Nei Monggol. The effects of light intensity, temperature, pH, salinity, length of thallus and rewetting on photosynthesis and respiration of N. fiagelli[orme were measured using an oxygen electrode. The results were as follows: The photosynthetic light compensation point was around 40–90μmol photons·m-2·s-1, the light saturation point was 1200μmol photons·m-2·s-1, and no photoinhibition appeared when the light intensity was increased to 1800μmol photons· m-2·s-1. N. fiagelliforme exhibited its photosynthetic and respiratory activities in the temperature range of 5–45℃. The optimum temperature for its photosynthesis was 25℃ and that for respiration was 35--40℃. Between pH range of 4.5–9.5 N. flagelliforme had photosynthetic activity and respiratory activity at pH range of 4-10, with optimum pH for photosynthesis at 7.5 and for respiration at 7.5–8.0. N. flagelliforme exhibited maximum net photosynthesis in 0.15mol/L of NaC1 in BG-11 medium. When the salinity was increased to 0.9 mol/L the net photosynthesis dropped down to zero. Respiration decreased concordantly with the increasing salinity as well. Maxima photosynthesis and respiration was also detected when the thallus of N. flagelliforme reached a length of 0.5cm and aftewords the more the length the less the activities. The recovery time attaining to the maximum photosynthesis and respiration activities after rewetting was dependent on storage time in dryness. The cyanobacterial mats after being reserved for 3 months, attained its maximum photosynthesis by 0.5h after rewetting, and that being reserved for 18 months needed 3.5h after rewetting. For respiration, the mats reserved for 3 months and 18 months required 5 minutes and lh after rewetting, respectively to attain its maximum. Under scanning electron microscope, cells of N. flagelliforme were wrapped up within a gluey sheath, and usually attached closely to each other in pairs and the filaments were uni-trichome with branches in some cases. The surface of thallus tip was rougher than other parts which meant that the tip portion had greater surface area beneficial to water absorption and cell growth.