J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 2002, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 168-172.
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CHEN Wei and L|B Liu-Xin
Phenolic inhibitors were preliminarily isolated from the normal and abortive litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.)ovules with a series of solvents, and then separated and purified by thin layer chromatography (TLC), further isolated and identified with GC MS, and finally checked with standards. p Hydroxybenzoic acid (p HBA) was isolated and identified from litchi ovules in this experiment for the first time. Determination of its biological activity showed that p HBA was a very strong growth inhibitory substance. In abortive ovules, p HBA content and IAA oxidase activity were much higher; IAA content was much lower than those in normal ovules (P<0.01). It is suggested that p HBA may be involved in the regulation of litchi embryo development; high content of p HBA may accelerate IAA oxidation and affect the balance of growth promoting and inhibitory substances, causing embryo abortion.
陈伟1 吕柳新2
(1. 福建农林大学生命科学学院,福州 350002;2. 福建农林大学园艺学院,福州 350002)
摘要:在荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.)胚胎败育发生期,以系统溶剂法从正常或败育胚珠中初步提取酚类抑制物质,通过TLC分离与纯化,用GC-MS联用仪进一步分离鉴定,并以标准品核对.试验首次从荔枝胚珠中分离鉴定出酚类抑制物质对羟基苯甲酸(p-HBA).生物活性测定表明,p-HBA是一种很强的生长抑制物质.在败育胚珠中其含量及IAA氧化酶活性均显著高于正常胚珠,IAA水平则明显低于正常胚珠(P<0.01).因此认为,p-HBA参与了荔枝胚胎发育的调节,高含量的p-HBA是通过促进IAA侧链的氧化并影响促进和抑制生长的物质之间的平衡而导致荔枝胚胎的败育.
关键词 荔枝 胚胎 败育 酚类抑制物质
Key words: litchi, embryo, abortion, phenolic inhibitors
CHEN Wei and L'B Liu-Xin. Relationship Between Litchi Embryo Abortion and Phenolic Inhibitors[J]. J Integr Plant Biol., 2002, 44(2): 168-172.
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